Let God Be True

One of the things we must always remember to do is to distinguish what baptism means objectively—apart from any sincerity or insincerity on the part of those administering, receiving, or observing it. And what baptism means is union with Christ. Those who are baptized into Christ are baptized into His death (Rom. 6:3). If you …

Christ, Not Water

Regardless of when the sacrament of baptism is performed, the only effective catalyst that can make it efficacious for blessing is faith—living, breathing, active, evangelical faith. Otherwise we are just applying a dead sign to dead sinners. Otherwise we are just sprinkling water on the headstones in a cemetery. Otherwise we are just engaging in …

A Curriculum of Gratitude

One of the names for this meal is the Eucharist. That name comes from the Greek verb for giving thanks—eucharisto. Now of course, the center of our thanksgiving should be directed toward God for His indescribable gift—the death and resurrection of His Son for our salvation. But this is the kind of thanksgiving which, if …