“Chestertonian Calvinism has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to have been way too much fun and not tried.”
Chestertonian Calvinism, p. 3
“Chestertonian Calvinism has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to have been way too much fun and not tried.”
Chestertonian Calvinism, p. 3
Introduction: I appreciated the fact that Scott Aniol decided to review Mere Christendom , and I would like to pursue the conversation further if I might. If we keep this up, we might actually ...
“Our labors at racial harmony are often like that woman in the gospels—the more the physicians treated her, the worse it got.”
Letter to the Editor: "So allow me to run ahead and anticipate the sneer. “Oh, so now he thinks he’s a Churchill!” No, not at all, but I am afraid I will have to do until he gets here." ...
“Do not ask how fast it is going. Ask rather what direction it is going. There are only two directions—the New Jerusalem or the Abyss.”
The Backdrop of Understanding is Always the Eye of Faith: "Faith is so quick a grace that it presents things past, things above and things to come—all in a moment, so quick, is this eagle-eye ...
Philippians (2): Sermon Video Introduction: Scripture teaches us that envy is an insidious sin. It is a destructive and soul-rotting force, and has the ability to go anywhere. It is found with ...
“So let me say it again. The alt-right is the bastard child of obsequious political correctness on race. That is where this is coming from. That is the root. That is where the energy is coming from . . . if you don’t want weeds in your garden, then stop fertilizing and watering them.”
“Evangelical Christians are adept at adopting worldly fashions ten years after the world has adopted them, and then doing it worse. This is true of fashion, music, diets, you name it. It is also true of political fads and fashions. As chronic late adapters, we are often climbing on board just as the carnal overreaction to the carnal stupidity is setting in.”