Chronic Late Adapters
“Evangelical Christians are adept at adopting worldly fashions ten years after the world has adopted them, and then doing it worse. This is true of fashion, music, diets, you name it. It is also true of political fads and fashions. As chronic late adapters, we are often climbing on board just as the carnal overreaction to the carnal stupidity is setting in.”
Content Cluster Muster [05/04/23]
That Time Bud Light Made Fox News Jealous: Hot Opportunities: New Founding is the rallying point for founders, investors, and builders who see a historic opportunity to reclaim the virtues of excellence and competence in the economy. Job Openings Managing Director role for an M&A advisory firm that focuses exclusively on sell-side transactions. Cincinnati, OH. Sales …
The Ever Limber
“You want him to recycle for the planet? He’s there. You want him to dive into eugenics? He’s with it. You want him to establish a man’s character by counting the bumps on his head? Got it, check.You want him simply to accept what Approved Opinion has determined about (check all that apply) 1) the inferiority of blacks, 2) the rates of climate change, or 3) the undesirability of nuclear war. Approved Opinion never stays in one place, so you do have to be limber . . . but some people are ever-limber. They were born limbering up . . . But there is a certain kind of man who knows how not to be stampeded. He is not valued greatly in any generation, for he consistently is a pain in the neck, but after he is dead and deep, the praise starts to trickle in.”
The Authoritarianism That Already Crept In
Introduction: I want to begin by thanking Jonathan Leeman for interacting so extensively with me and with others who are seeking to challenge the current state of affairs. By “state of affairs,” I mean this great civic bender we all appear to be on. Some of us believe that there has been a huge earthquake, …
A Change of Mind, Not a Change of Direction
“No, peer pressure just blows in different directions, and so those vulnerable to peer pressure blow over in different directions. Watching last year’s compromises go out of fashion is not repentance.”
May Letters Come Later Than April Letters. They Haven’t Messed That Up Yet.
Letter to the Editor: It appears to be the case—I don't know that there's any kind of hard-data religious census but certainly by gut-feel demography—that the states with higher proportions ...
Book of the Month/May 2023
One of the drums that I have been beating for some decades now is the drum that seeks to make the somewhat percussive point that the Founding Fathers of our nation were not the collection of Deists—contrary ...
Fog Bricks
“Racism as defined by the world . . actually, there is the problem. The world is unable to define racism. How could they? They have assiduously built a Great Tower out of the fog bricks of relativistic nonsense, but they still expect everyone to react with horror whenever they snap their fingers and declare that a moral outrage has been committed.”
The Fighting Moderates, aka the Pink-Pilled
Introduction: I have from time to time noticed a certain measure of exasperation with me. I am not here speaking about the exasperation of the progressives on the left because that can be hard ...