“What does the word puritanical bring to mind? We think immediately of a stuffed-shirt wowser, with a buckle on his black hat, trying hard to affix a scarlet letter to the blouse of yet another wayward woman.”
Chestertonian Calvinism, p. 24
“What does the word puritanical bring to mind? We think immediately of a stuffed-shirt wowser, with a buckle on his black hat, trying hard to affix a scarlet letter to the blouse of yet another wayward woman.”
Chestertonian Calvinism, p. 24
Letter to the Editor: I humbly request to invite Vishal Mangalwadi on Man Rampant, if possible. I read his book The Book That Made Your World and here is a description on Amazon about it. ...
“Over time, due to the effects of slander and the inexorable effects of wineskins getting old, the Puritans gained a reputation for being, well, puritanical. But by this I mean what that word has come to mean, which would make them the guardians of all forms of pious buzzkill. The problem is that this sad reality did not really start to unfold until a century or more into the project—it took quite some time before all the blankets got wet.”
Chestertonian Calvinism, p. 13
Introduction: A few months ago we had kind of a set-to about wokeness in the classical Christian education world. If you missed that, you can catch up on at least some of it both here and here. ...
I would like to encourage all my friends who are residents of Latah County to make a special point of voting tomorrow. The primary reason for encouraging this is that there are two conservative candidates running for a position as a Library Board Trustee. I already voted early so I don’t mind telling you that …
Philippians (3): Sermon Video Introduction: The great Augustine once said that in the affairs of men, the dead are replaced by the dying. Isaac Watts memorably rendered Psalm 90 this way: “Time, ...
“The argument of the book does not unfold like a Monarch butterfly unfolding from a chrysalis but is rather more like a moth taking fifteen runs or so at the same light bulb.”
Chestertonian Calvinism, p. 5
Two This Time: And more here. Mom’s Not Home Yet: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Like a Block of Wood Is Easy to Talk To: Public Service Announcement: Featured Product: All the Condemnation in the World:A statement of the gospel, that gospel which vanquishes the spirit of accusation. $1.00 Shop now