I am afraid that this book is kind of a beast. It is a collection of all my blog posts that were filed under the heading of “Auburn Avenue Stuff.” In addition, at the end I included the emails I sent as part of the summit at Ft. Lauderdale. We have removed any identifying markers from those to prevent violating any confidences.
The posts have only been lightly edited for typo-type stuff, and they appear in chronological order. Part of the reason for doing this project is that we are getting to the place where graduate students in theology might need help in tracking things down for FV research papers, and I thought it would be a kindness to put all my blogging contributions in one place.

Categories: Apologetics, Biblical Studies, Children, Christian Living, Counseling, Culture and Social Issues, Ecclesiology, Education, Eschatology, Evangelism, Fiction, History, Literature, Marriage and Family, Men, Poetry, Satire, Textbooks, Theology, Video, Women,