Introduction: You might be tempted to think that we live in a time when all sorts of things have busted out all over. You know—riots, woke churches, COVID, masking orders, a rumored new album ...
This Carnival of Dunsical Folly
Introduction: As everyone in the world knows by this point, last week a Wisconsin jury acquitted Kyle Rittenhouse on the charges that had been brought against him. This was a sober, sane, and ...
Atheism and Meaningless Black Lives
Introduction: A lot of cyber ink has been spilled when it comes to responses and critiques of the Black Lives Matter movement. But it has to be said that many of these critiques, however good, ...
Obey Your Husband and Other Transgressive Ideas
Introduction: As trendy as it may be to rage against the patriarchy, for progressive evangelicals, the key to doing this successfully is to rage against the exegesis, which is to say, to rage ...
(L)et’s (G)o (B)randon—(t)o (Q)Anon +
Introduction: If our generation got any fruitier, it would have to be acknowledged from every quarter that somebody had put way too many mangoes in the fruit salad. This judgment of judicial ...
White Babies
I have apparently said something outrageous again, and it has been brought to my attention (again). The adversaries that God has been pleased to assign to my case have made a scary looking meme that gives you a snippet of what I said, along with a picture of me falling asleep. Reading comprehension is not …
Transition at Bethlehem
Some of you have heard the news about Jason Meyer stepping down as the pastor of Bethlehem in Minneapolis. Naturally, some are using this as an opportunity to continue pushing a woke agenda, and these days so much is to be expected. From a cursory read through of that linked article, it appears plain that—by …
A Stonewall Moment of Some Sort Is Needed
Introduction: I do understand that the sexual revolution has their very own version of Stonewall, the one that Obama celebrated when he said that the arc of history was turning out to be in sync with ...
Strunk & White Supremacy
Introduction: As I have been noting for some years now, this cultural conflagration that we are all going through—while some in the back are still stoutly maintaining “this is fine”—is actually a battle over editorial control of the dictionary. And what with all the pronoun nonsense now showing up in the liver, lungs and brain, …
Jory Micah and the Hall of Lame
Introduction: There seems to be an odd impulse that follows any kind of mass shooting, and that is the impulse that some people have ...