Introduction: Brian Stelter, formerly of CNN, recently hosted a panel discussion at Davos for the World Economic Forum, and the topic was disinformation. Other folks might call it misinformation. ...
Deuteronomy and Harvest Weight
Introduction: One of the reasons that Christians get into a muddle about how their sanctification should look is that they don't know how to fit the blessings of the material world into it. Not only ...
A Brief Introductory Glossary on the Relationship of Christians and Jews
Introduction: At a recent meeting of Knox Presbytery (CREC), we adopted two short statements on ethnic issues. These statements reflect the position of our presbytery, and were entered accordingly into our minutes. The first passed unanimously, and the second with one dissenting vote—and that was only because he believed the second one was redundant, having …
My 360° Whiteness Review
Introduction: While some might want me to begin today's installment by avowing that the November goal is not to attack everybody—as though I were trying to start a Reformed version of Festivus ...
Don’t Waste Your Fifteen Minutes
Introduction: Andy Warhol once famously said that in the future everybody was going to get their fifteen minutes of fame. If you make the second and third rounds, as we here in Moscow have done a few times, a predictable thing then happens. What happens is that if the critics were puppies and kittens, all …
Kin, Skin, & Sin
Introduction: The time has once more arose, as the fellow once said, to have a little thoughtful interaction with the concept of kinism. What I want to do here is have a little give and take ...
Not Different Truths, Just Different Tribes and Teams
In news that should startle and amaze precisely no one, it appears that a controversy has broken out on Twitter. It happened on this wise. In response to the #BuffaloMassacre and #ReplacementTheory, Jackie Hill Perry tweeted this: “Say what ya want about Farrakhan (because there’s a whole lot to say) but this right here is …
On Getting Your Grove Back
Introduction: I said that I was going to follow up on the Grove City story, and so here I am, following up on it. Some people talk about keeping their word; others just go ahead and keep their word. ...
Does Grove City Have Worrisome Dark Spots on Her Lymph Nodes?
Introduction: To address my question right at the outset, the answer would appear to be yes. But as one who has been the subject of various online hit pieces myself, I think we need to proceed charitably and cautiously, and hear everybody out. At the same time, we should not blithely assume that somebody must …
The Hard Bigotry of Low Expectations
Introduction: George W. Bush once gave a speech that contained a phrase that was laden with worldview wisdom. That phrase was the "soft bigotry of low expectations." When someone is growing ...