Introduction: Oscar Wilde once defined a gentleman as someone who never insults anyone else accidentally. There is a principle here that Christians can take and reapply in other situations. A "gold ...
So Define Ethnicity for Us
Dear Gavin, So we have all these different tribes, all over the world, doing their thing. Where does all the animosity between them come from? And what are these distinct ethnicities exactly, ...
From Babel to Pentecost
Dear Gavin, Thanks for your last letter. Clearly it is time for us to get into the ethnic issues, or at least to start on them. You will notice, right at the front end, that I much prefer to use the ...
A Round-Up On Race, Ethnicity, and Antisemitism
Preamble to All This: I much prefer to speak about ethnic relations in terms of ethnicity, and not in terms of race. But when you fly to Europe, sometimes you have to use Euros to buy things. So in ...
The Case of Owen and the Memorials
Introduction: In a talk at the G3 conference last week, Owen Strachan attempted to take a bold stand, and it did not go well for him. He said, in a “here I stand” sort of way, that God’s love ...
Let’s You and Him Fight
Introduction: The Scriptures teach us to love our enemies. The evangelical squish interprets this to mean that we aren't supposed to have any enemies—except for those awkward hardliners who ...
On Walking Along the Balance Beam of, You Know, Balance
Introduction: I was recently interviewed by Religion News Service and by some friends at New Founding, and in both interviews the same issue came up. As a consequence, it naturally occurred to ...
Ethnic Conceit as Denial of Christ
Introduction: Allow me to start by saying that I am not trying to pick on A.S. Protestant particularly. It is just that I saw this float by attached to someone in my Twitter feed—and because as it ...
A Woke Framing of the Classical Christian School Movement
Preamble Instead of an Introduction: Last week saw something of a commotion in the classical Christian world of education. Jessica Hooten Wilson published an article, and her revised version can be ...
Retractions Are Sometimes Challenging
Last week on Twitter I promised a response to this article by Jessica Hooten Wilson. That promise will need to be adjusted somewhat because of some intervening events. On Saturday evening, a number of the principals had a Zoom meeting which removed some (but not all) of the difficulties. Unfortunately, as much as I appreciate …