Letter to the Editor: Can you recommend any good resources-books or video series-for learning church history from a Protestant point of view? Thank you and God bless. Ryan ...
An October Penultimate Close-Out Sale on Letters
Letter to the Editor: Your article on blasphemy laws was great. I borrow from you liberally when trying to persuade my friends about the imperative of us becoming a Christian nation. Make ...
Letters That Make You Go Hmmmm
Letter to the Editor: RE: You are the Man, and You Are Responsible This is a very helpful post. It moves me another notch or two toward understanding this topic. I also understand the principle ...
And Why Shouldn’t You Write Letters?
Letter to the Editor: I’m still a little confused on your opinion of the Jews and Israel’s future salvation. You clearly state that you believe Israel will eventually be converted ...
Letters with Red Octoberries
Letter to the Editor: My question is: In 2nd Corinthians who is the God of this world referencing? God, or Satan? In Him, Mark -- Doug responds: Mark, my understanding ...
Epistolary Content Incoming
Letter to the Editor: Re: the feasible and strategic target of no porn in school libraries. This article from Prufrock has some very good data. Encourages me to make a request, because ...
Letters Bring Out the Best in Us
Letter to the Editor: Do Trump's recent comments jive with smash mouth incrementalism? If so, how so? AW -- Doug responds: AW, it depends on what you mean. If you are ...
Epistolary Edification
Letter to the Editor: Isker, Dreher and Me: "Chesterton says somewhere that we must fight because we love what is behind us, and not just because we hate what is in front of us." Maybe ...
The Letters Only Come Because You Write Them
Letter to the Editor: I am currently reading through James Jordan's book, "Through New Eyes," and I was quite surprised at his discussion of the 12 zodiac signs in chapter 5. I had always ...
Letters, You Know, The Kind You Guys Write
Letter to the Editor: "But there is no way for us to return to our senses without returning to our God. That’s it." Pastor, how can we maintain any hope when Christians are praying He grants ...