Introduction: It is a custom among our people to make resolutions for the new year, and as this is the morning of January 1, 2024, a brand spanking new year, and one that promises to be every ...
Toppling the Cosplay Satan
Introduction: There is always some crazy story to write about, isn't there? So over the last few weeks, this happened. A Satanist group arranged to have a Satanist display erected in the Iowa ...
Christian Nationalism: The Movie
Introduction: This was inevitable, I suppose. Rob Reiner financed and produced a movie called God & Country, a movie to warn us all about the impending threat called Christian nationalism. This somehow constituted a compelling invitation to erstwhile conservatives like David French and Russell Moore to clamber on board in order to help the secularists …
My Rejoinder to Kevin DeYoung
Introduction: So Kevin DeYoung set off a national conversation with this article. When his article dropped, I was in the middle of wrapping up my November posts, and so a response had to wait ...
Mud Fence Ugly
Introduction: It is commonplace for traditionalists to describe the well-balanced life as built on the foundation stones of truth, goodness, and beauty. This structural support seems intuitive ...
Thanksgiving Leftovers
Introduction: In the aftermath of our blowout holidays, it is not uncommon to survey something of a culinary debris field—half-finished pies, cold turkey, a measuring cup full of gravy, half ...
Bat-Guano Crazy
Introduction: Certain topics are guaranteed to generate troll-swarms, and trying to be sensible about Judaism is one of them. I am actually tempted to open up the comments on this post in order ...
Evangelical Doctors, Coughing Up Blood
Introduction: This last week, the voters of Ohio enshrined a right to abortion in their state constitution, in what might be called Ohio's suicide note. In the heady days after the Jericho of ...
Empathy as the Headwaters of Cruelty
Introduction: Is it really the case that our November car here has no brakes? Is it really the case that this switchback grade we are currently careening down has no guardrails? The answer ...
The Joy Juice of Democracy
Introduction: When the apostle John told Christians to keep themselves from idols (1 John 5:21), he said this because there was actually a possibility that they might not do so. There have been times ...