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11 months ago

When will the audiobook (read by the author, please) drop on Canon+?

11 months ago
Reply to  Douglas Wilson

Looking forward to it!

11 months ago

Looking forward to reading/listening to American Milk and Honey book! Its all GRACE …nothing less….one of my fav movies is #ChariotsofFire! Blessings to you all!

11 months ago
Reply to  Douglas Wilson

No disrespect, but I truly can’t tell if you’re just a boomer who won’t let go of the pillars of neoconservatism and the lies of WWII, or if, as I suspect, being that you are a highly intelligent individual, that you refuse to make statements regarding the truth of Israel. You keep calling people names like anti-semite and Nazi. So either you’re a boomer who hasn’t yet unplugged from the matrix, which is fine, or you’re censoring yourself, or worse, controlling the narrative by leaving large nuggets of truth unexposed. Just because you make sly accusations against the Zionists doesn’t… Read more »

11 months ago
Reply to  JL

LOL! Here we go.

I so look forward to seeing the faces of Jew-haters when they come before THE Jew, Jesus Christ, to give account.

11 months ago

This is nothing but pure Girardism, which is rank unbelief. You hate your brother who says he’s disturbed by the evil works of so many Jews, and so you call him a liar,. Instead of taking him at his word, you say he’s not really disturbed by Jews playing dominant roles in great evils such as abortion, porn, endless ME wars, open borders, feminism, the Bolshevik Revolution that murdered 30 million Christians, openly spitting on priests and nuns in Israel, drag queen story hour, etc. No; he’s lying about all this, and this stuff doesn’t bother him at all –… Read more »

11 months ago
Reply to  Douglas Wilson

I don’t feel that you’ve been clear about whether it’s possible to criticize the Jews as a collective (versus, say, criticizing an individual Jew who causes trouble) without sinning. Can you clarify this one way or another? I don’t feel that it’s reasonable to expect us to read an entire book to get an answer to that question, especially when there’s good reason to believe that even reading the book will not provide that answer. To clarify my question: No one says it’s a sin to criticize white liberals for their contribution to our current mess, even if the criticism… Read more »

Last edited 11 months ago by Armin
11 months ago
Reply to  Douglas Wilson

Appreciate it. Would you be willing to acknowledge that the particular way in which their rejection of Christ expresses itself in their actions in the world is on some level a reflection of innate tendencies and characteristics (including high average intelligence) that are more prevalent in them than other groups?

11 months ago
Reply to  Douglas Wilson

Didn’t read the book? I bought it on my Kindle, and have read it, parts of it several times. I pretty well summed up your basic argument, as anyone can verify for themselves by reading the book. I didn’t mention any of your several flagrantly dishonest flourishes such as this one: “One high-talent Jew cooks up a cancerous Marxist plague that emanates from the Frankfurt School, a guy with a name like Horkheimer, say, and another high-talent Jew carves out a cure for cancer from a bar of soap, with a name like Horowitz, say, thus winning the Nobel Prize… Read more »

11 months ago
Reply to  Baggins

I think most regular readers of Doug Wilson would understand that as a hyperbolic example. You could sub in Jonas Salk for Horowitz. His argument still fails badly though. You need to examine the collective norms, not try to weigh one prominent person against another. Andrew Isker blew this argument apart when he debated Wilson on it. As Doug Wilson concedes in his other comment, Jews that go against the group are vilified, but not just for accepting Christ. Just look at the treatment Paul Gottfried gets. The average Jew hates Christ, those of us who sincerely follow him and… Read more »

11 months ago
Reply to  Barnard

I agree that most Wilson readers would understand that he was using hyperbole, but I believe quite a few would not. At this point, it is moot. Christianity, which was for centuries a noble religion, is now little more than a cartoon. And it is now on its last legs . It has been so thoroughly Judaized that it has become an entirely different religion than it used to be. And thinking people are losing all respect for a religion that claims to worship Jesus Christ, but actually worships Jews/Israel, who openly despise their putative Lord and savior. The glory… Read more »

11 months ago

Please stop adding books to my TBR list! (To Be Read)

Through the years, I have become convinced Jew hatred stems from hatred of God, Himself. Which is why it would be bizarre to see professing Christians engaging in it.

11 months ago
Reply to  Mo

Define “Jew hatred.”

11 months ago

Spicy comments!

As one who DID read the book, let me humbly suggest that Christians who do not balk at Paul’s teaching in Romans 9-11 will be edified by this book and be left with a clear picture of how you, an American Gentile, play a role in God’s plan for the nations. This is somewhere in my top 3 favorite books by Wilson to date.