Introduction: The world of Christian X was all in a doodah over something that Heidi Przybyla said last week. Now this was fully appropriate, but Christian worldview thinking demands that we ...
Isildur, the Ring, and the Glory of Limited Government
Introduction: So let us talk about revolutions, you and I. Historically speaking, the word can mean anything from a simple change in government, like a revolving door, or it can be a nightmarish spectacle that doesn’t ever want to quit. The word admits of quite a range of meanings. It can refer to something as …
The Tumult Continues
Introduction: Sometimes ten-year-old boys will throw a baseball at a nest of Asian hornets, and they do this because they are curious. They want to see what would happen. The hornets are also ...
As the Fighting Moderates Mount the Lone Bulwark
Introduction: Oscar Wilde once defined a gentleman as someone who never insults anyone else accidentally. There is a principle here that Christians can take and reapply in other situations. A "gold ...
Christendom and Christendumber
Introduction: In recent years, one of the issues that has come to the fore has been the tactical issue of NETTR—"no enemies to the right." This has been the photo negative of the evangelical cool ...
The Great Gospel-Centered Crack-Up
Introduction: Yesterday I was discussing with some friends the nature of the Reformed collapse in the face of all our crazytoon times. Reformed guys are supposed to be the heady ones, the keepers of the Big Thinks, and they went down before the most transparent lies—they went down like dry August grass before a freshly …
And There Was No Remedy
Introduction: We are often reminded, in the words of the preacher, that there is nothing new under the sun (Ecc. 1:9). By this observation, he certainly does not mean that there cannot be any ...
11 Resolutions for 2024, Culture War Edition
Introduction: It is a custom among our people to make resolutions for the new year, and as this is the morning of January 1, 2024, a brand spanking new year, and one that promises to be every ...
Toppling the Cosplay Satan
Introduction: There is always some crazy story to write about, isn't there? So over the last few weeks, this happened. A Satanist group arranged to have a Satanist display erected in the Iowa ...
Christian Nationalism: The Movie
Introduction: This was inevitable, I suppose. Rob Reiner financed and produced a movie called God & Country, a movie to warn us all about the impending threat called Christian nationalism. This somehow constituted a compelling invitation to erstwhile conservatives like David French and Russell Moore to clamber on board in order to help the secularists …