Introduction: Over the last week or so a discussion broke out over my contention in Mere Christendom that while blasphemy laws are inescapable, and that while Christians should be laboring to see ...
Young, Restless, and Red-Pilled
Dear Gavin, Thanks very much for contacting me. I am glad that Dawson encouraged you to do that. Dawson is a great kid, the best of relatives. From what you wrote, and from what Dawson told ...
Live Not By Lies . . . At Least Not Lots of Them
Introduction: So Christian Nationalism has feet apparently. Not only does it have feet, it has any number of feet, and in some places it is still getting those feet under it. In the meantime, it has ...
Let’s You and Him Fight
Introduction: The Scriptures teach us to love our enemies. The evangelical squish interprets this to mean that we aren't supposed to have any enemies—except for those awkward hardliners who ...
The Prodigal Son and Christian Nationalism
Introduction: What it all comes down to is that America needs an intervention. Suppose a loved one in your family decides to go on a bender, let's say, and it lasts for a couple weeks longer than it ...
Sly Dog Teachers
Introduction: In a very interesting development, those of us who are calling Americans to come back to Christ, and to do so as Americans who are guilty of very American sins, are somehow being ...
Straight Talk on the Christian Prince, No Varnish
Introduction: As I have been observing the debate over Christian nationalism deve . . . well, develop is not really the right verb. Stagger is more like it. As I have watched the debate over Christian nationalism stagger around, perhaps toward resolution, a few thoughts have occurred to me from time to time. Actually, one …
Why the Apostle Paul Punched Right
Introduction: So in order to talk about what I really want to talk about here, I must first address where our terminology of "right" and "left" came from. In common parlance, the terms are generally ...
The Fourth Turning and the Future of Reformed Leadership
Introduction: In 1997, William Strauss and Neil Howe published The Fourth Turning, a study of the long cycles of American history. Since that time, William Strauss has passed away, but Neil Howe is ...
Ragnarok and the Administrative State
Introduction: In 1983, Ronald Reagan ordered the invasion of Grenada by American troops, and the Caribbean island was liberated from its Marxist rulers—an event the islanders still celebrate. ...