This could be regarded as one of my periodic forays into the tangled thicket of “what gives with Israel?” You are to imagine it as me putting on a gray coat and blue trousers in order to walk between the lined up armies on the eve of Gettysburg, as my penultimate and earnest plea for peace.

In order to demonstrate the need for this post, and others like it, I am going to leave the comments open, at least for a bit. There will no doubt be some who engage with my arguments, disagreeing like gentlemen, which is greatly appreciated, but there will also be others who—despite my giving away the nature of the test here—will be unable to contain the vitriol.
Budgeting for all of that, there are still some very thorny and very challenging issues involved in all of this—from soteriology to geopolitics. So let’s get to it.
What Set Me Off This Time
I just finished reading The Magna Carta of Humanity by Os Guinness, a writer I have long appreciated and admired, and am currently finishing up Christian Nationalism by Andrew Torba (of Gab fame) and Andrew Isker. In many ways these gents are attacking the same target, that target being the spirit of the revolutionary and progressive left, but there is one area where the divide between them could not be wider. That divide, and you guessed it, has to do with Israel.
Guinness argues that we are in a moment of true crisis in the West, which is true enough, and I like how he frames it as a choice between the spirit of 1776, the way of liberty, and the spirit of 1789, the way of bondage. These dates are, respectively, the dates of the American Revolution and the French Revolution, which he (rightly) sees as mortal enemies. They are two different paths to two different place, liberty and totalitarianism respectively, and so they are utterly at odds.
“America cannot endure permanently half 1776 and half 1789. The compromises, contradictions, hypocrisies, inequities, and evils have built up unaddressed. The grapes of wrath have ripened again, and the choice before America is plain. Either America goes forward best by going back first, or America is about to reap a future in which the worst will once again be the corruption of the best.”
Os Guinness, The Magna Carta of Humanity, his conclusion to multiple chapters
Now Guinness traces the genius of the American experiment back to Sinai, where the civic gift of form and freedom together were first manifested to the world. He does this with learning and erudition, and I agreed with just about everything he said in the book. But there was still a fly in the ointment. It was a book full of wisdom, but it struck me as Christless wisdom. The reason for this is that he was heavily dependent on the insights and observations of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, a distinguished scholar who served as the Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, and who was a member of the House of Lords. Sacks, too, had a lot of good things to say but, obviously, Jesus was not going to be a big part of it.
This leads Guinness to write as though there were two true religions, Judaism and Christianity, and with another one, Islam, kind of in the Abrahamic ballpark. The Jews have Yom Kippur while Christians have the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. This struck me as theologically incoherent, but the interesting thing is that Guinness doesn’t make any attempt to resolve the question. He is earnestly seeking to save a Judeo-Christian civilization, and sees no need to defend that construct. He just assumes it.
But if the Jews are right and Jesus did not rise from the dead, then we Christians of all men are most to be pitied (1 Cor. 15:19). And if He did rise from the dead, then modern Judaism is an attempt to have a Messiah-based religion while leaving the Messiah out of it. But that is like, as the old illustration goes, putting on a production of Hamlet, and leaving out the prince of Denmark.
In the meantime, Torba and Isker have no use for a Judeo-Christian anything, and yet are at war with the same progressive left that Guinness is fighting. Their fourth chapter is entitled “This Is Not a ‘Judeo-Christian’ Movement,” in case you were wondering. Put all this together, and I have myself the topic for a blog post.
So Sort This Out
So, despite the fact that it will be a glorious tangle, like three extension cords stiff with cold that we found in the garage, let us dump it all on the table anyhow.
In the Protestant Reformation, with the cry of ad fontes, back to the sources, not only were the Reformers the foremost patristic scholars of their day, but they also went back to learn Hebrew from the rabbis. This contributed to a great advance in learning with regard to the Old Testament, but it also caused some dislocations with some unstable souls, who shot off into various forms of anti-Trinitarianism. If you are interested in that subject, you can consult Ben Merkle’s dissertation on the subject, published by OUP, and heartily commended to you by none other than his father-in-law.
And the same kind of thing happens today. A Christian exegete can profit greatly, as I have done, by consulting work done on the Old Testament text by Jewish scholars. Robert Alter comes to mind. So how do we categorize that? And if Alter is so good on certain aspects of the psalms, or the life of David, as he is, then why can’t Jonathan Sacks have valuable things to say about the Exodus and Sinai? He can, and he does. And Guinness draws on that, and good for him, but why am I still uneasy?
For an orthodox Christian, what is modern Judaism exactly? Its position is analogous to Islam, but not exactly. Islam, unlike those religions that have no historic connection to the Christian faith, like Hinduism or Buddhism, is a Christian heresy. It formed in reaction to the Christian faith, and is a strange amalgam of Christianity, Judaism, and Mohammad’s visions.
And modern rabbinic Judaism is not the religion of the Old Testament. They are not actually following Moses. Jesus taught all Christians that the traditions of the elders had caused the Jewish leaders to “set aside” the requirements of Moses, observing their own ideas instead (Matt. 15:3). And that was when they still had more than they have now—the Temple, and the sacrifices, as required by Moses. But then with the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D. all they had left were their erroneous traditions. This is why modern Judaism is best considered a heresy of the Old Testament faith, and not a representation of it. To be a Christian is to maintain that the fulfillment of the Old Testament is in the Christ of the New Testament, and not in rabbinic Judaism.
But once you have said that, you have to make even more distinctions. It is not as though modern Judaism is one monolithic thing. Jews are all over the map, from ultra-orthodox Hasidim, including the mysticism of the Kabbalah, to the hard secularists in the Jewish state, to the reasonable conservatives like Prager and Shapiro. Some Jewish groups would be as far away from Christianity as the Sufi Muslims would be, and are kind of out there, while others have inched back toward the Christian center and are just Unitarians with yarmulkes.
To illustrate, to keep things within the sabbatarian world, if I say that Seventh Day Adventism is a heresy, it does not follow from this that every Adventist is out there doing nefarious things. Some of them can get really legalistic, and some of it can get really weird doctrinally speaking, as happens within Judaism, but a lot of other Adventists just go to med school at Loma Linda, and do a superb job as your family pediatrician, keeping your kids healthy.
And this is where I would want to push back on an element of what I am seeing in the Torba/Isker book. They see, correctly, that Guinness is wrong about modern Judaism as just another form of biblical faith. Talmudic Judaism really was a distortion of God’s Word, but you can’t really draw a straight line from that to various modern ills like communism, environmentalism, globalism, and the like. A number of Jews went that direction, sure enough, but some other Jews went on to carve a cure for cancer out of a bar of soap, which made all the anti-Semites even more irritated. In other words, the Jews are a high performance people, and so when they are bad, they are really bad, but enough about the Frankfurt School, and when they are good, they are really good. But good or bad, just like the rest of us, they all need Christ.
Speaking of Christ
We should therefore cultivate a real affection for the Jews. How could we not? Together with John Piper, I love the apostle Paul. And the apostle Paul really loved the Jews, despite having quite a few autobiographical reasons not to. He loved them to the point of being willing to go to Hell for them, were such a thing possible (Rom. 9:3)
This is directly connected to a factor that makes the Jews unique. They are not just “one more” unbelieving group. I can only sketch my reasons for thinking this here, and hope that I get an opportunity some other time to develop it further. But to illustrate the point, let me repurpose the parable of the prodigal son. But I am repurposing it, not trying to interpret it.
The Gentiles were the wastrel younger brother, and when we came back to our father, he had the fatted calf killed to throw a feast for us, and he hired a jazz band so there could be some swing dancing. Some might have argued that the younger brother scarcely needed to go to another party, but his father thought differently. Now the Jews are the older brother who heard the music and dancing from the driveway, and who therefore refused to come in. The Jews are our estranged older brother.
This estrangement is not permanent. Not only does the father win back his younger son, he also is eventually reconciled to his older son. This is because the “gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable” (Rom. 11:29). But the fact that the estrangement is not permanent, contra Torba, does not mean that there is no real estrangement, contra Guinness. The Jews, like every other sinful tribe and nation, must come to Christ. Like all the rest of us, they are lost without Him.
Let’s change the illustration to one that is not repurposed at all. Paul compares the covenant to an olive tree. That olive tree has an Abrahamic root, and the Jews who refused to believe in Christ were cut out of olive tree, and Gentiles were grafted in. Paul cautions these Gentiles against spiritual pride over against the Jews. That vainglory is why the Jews were cut out, and so it is really unbecoming for Gentile Christians to vaunt themselves. We Gentile believers don’t support the root any more than the Jews did.
One last thing. It is often said that Ashkenazi Jews are not Jews at all, and that there is not a drop of Abraham’s blood in their veins. And so it is maintained that this is all a lot of fuss and bother over a bunch of nothing. “A gift is not irrevocable if it was never given.” This overlooks the fact that being a Jew was always about covenant, and not about DNA. The first generation of Jews were those of Abraham’s house, all the males who were circumcised (Gen. 17:27). Three chapters earlier, when Abraham went to war on behalf of Lot, there were 318 men. I dare say that a number of them did not have any of Abraham’s blood in their veins. Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews are Jews by covenant. And because they are Jews by covenant, it will be a piece of cake for God to graft them into the olive tree again. I mean, if He could graft the Scythians into the tree in the first place (Col. 3:11), He can graft in anybody—especially the natural branches (Rom. 11:24).
So pray for the conversion of the Jews. The party is now in full swing, and we are enjoying it, but we still keep looking past the curtains, out to the driveway. Dad is still talking to him. If he comes in, the party can really start.
So, Torba & Isker believe & write in their book that “the estrangement is permanent”?
Of course pray for the Jews!
You forgot one crucial group in this discussion: Messianic Jews. The Jay Sekulows of the world. They claim Christ. They maintain their ethnic identity as Jews, not to lord it over people, but as their ethnic identity. Everyone has an ethnic identity. How could believing Jews be any different on this than anyone else?
I thought “Messianic Jews” were mixed-up American Christians who thought it was cool to celebrate Purim and eat only kosher dills. In other words, Christians who slipped into taking on some of the non-sacrificial aspects of the Torah, like eating only “clean” foods or leaving the vowels out of G_d’s Name.
Look up Jews For Jesus. They are converted Jews who evangelize in the Jewish communities. I have an anthology they published of biographies of Jews who have converted.
Lol implying pickles can be found that are non-kosher. Practically everything in your grocery store is “certified kosher”.
I know all about the cabal known as the Orthodox Union, who receives a massive truckload of money for sending rabbis around to baptize machinery with holy water. Quite a racket, actually. While nearly all foods are “blessed” in this manner and proper extortion payments given, some pickles are still called kosher dills, whereas others are just plain ol’ hamburger dills.
I think that’s the Hebrew Roots Movement. The way I could explain it simply (albeit a bit sloppily) is Hebrew Roots are Christians moving toward Judaism, while Messianic Jews are Jews moving toward Christianity.
Yeah, I was going to say the same thing. There are Christians who practice Seder (Hebrew Roots). And there are ethnic Jews who become Christians and fully embrace whatever church/denomination they join without importing Jewish religious practices.
There is a difference between rediscovering the Biblical Mosaic “Judaism” and moving to and accepting the practices of Rabbinical Judaism. Going back to the Torah and Tanakh (OT) is Biblical, but going to Rabbinical Judaism, today’s Judaism is not. Because many of the practices of Rabbinical (talmudic) Judaism is not Biblical. It is Pharisaical and it is a man-made religion.
Look up on YouTube, One for Israel Testimonies. There are all testimonies of Jews who became Christians by finding their Messiah, Jesus.
I’ll take What Are Judaizers for $500, Alex.
It is not just an ethnic identity. The original Christians were all Jews. Jesus is Jewish. He is the Messiah promised to the people of Israel. He fulfilled the promises and fulfilled the covenant. All the things from the OT came to life with Jesus. So the Jews who followed their OT derived culture, now see all their practices and traditions come to life in Jesus. Being Jewish is not just an ethnic identity or man made identity, it was defined by God. God separated them from the rest of the nations to be a distinct and separate people. And… Read more »
As one of those who you are discussing, I agree with most of what you wrote. Just 2 exceptions, if I may: The Jewish people on the one hand ran from God, but OTOH they were shut out and blinded by God Himself (Rom.11:25). This also was prophesied (Isa.63:17), but as a question that didn’t receive an answer, until Paul was shown the “mystery” — it was for YOUR sake that we were blinded (Rom. 11:28). Our nation will be saved after “the fullness of the Gentiles has come in” (Rom. 11:25), and this happens before the Tribulation. How do… Read more »
Abraham’s bosom was a location after death separate from hell as we see in Jesus parable of the rich and poor man. Jesus preached to the captives the three days after his death before He ascended to heaven. What captives did He preach to?
So captives were preached to that died before Messiah came and got the same chance those born prior to that time got to choose Him or not?
I say this in reference to your comments about God being fair (rapture, blindness on jews). Looks like He has made similar arrangements before according to scriptures.
I’m not sure how those two Scriptures are related to each other. Peter wrote that Messiah brought the Good News to spirits in prison, but they were souls from the days of Noah (1 Pet. 3:19-20) – before Abraham was born, and certainly before “Moses and the Prophets” were known. So yes, it was unforeseen mercy — but for those who had never been exposed to the Law of Moses. The parable about the rich/poor man and where they ended up has the opposite message, and it’s directed first (but not exclusively) to the Jewish people: “If they do not… Read more »
I absolutely agree. But I am *NOT* praying for the secular State of Israel. Oftentimes in our day, the equation “Praying for the Conversion of the Jews = Praying for the State of Israel” is proffered as a given. What should be a given is an *IN*equality sign between the two.
Jim, amen. And see below.
Why is it any different praying for Israel than it is praying for the US? Both are secular countries. Both are covenant connected to God Almighty in their history. Both need to come more fully back to God Almighty. Sometimes it is easy to get so blinded by minutia that we miss the basics.
This discussion came up at my workplace a couple weeks ago as several of us are on GAB and get inundated with the anti-Jew propaganda regularly. That being said, isn’t there a bit of a blind spot in American Christianity for the geopolitical nation state of Israel? We send billions of tax dollars that way to the detriment of our own nation, with no criticism allowed for fear of being labeled anti-Semitic. We American Christians love, love, love us some Israel, while they profess hatred for our Messiah and our God. And while not all Jews are evil globalists, a… Read more »
I agree. No need to blindly support whatever the nation state of Israel does. But I don’t blindly support whatever the nation state of America does either—but that does not prevent me from wishing the country well, and laboring for her good. I do this even though our government is every bit as demented as the government of Israel, and almost as bad as the Palestinian Authority.
And while not all rich people are evil globalists, a large portion of evil globalists are rich people.
Not all rich people are jews, but 40% of the 1% richest are. And don’t forget 70-80% of the cabinet. And, idk, 80% of media CEOs? 80% of top 25 hedge fund managers. Who wants to research porn execs, tranny advocates and surgeons, bolshevik commissars, Trump impeachment participants, spouses of presidential children, ivy league students and officials, etc etc etc.
Whether you are a Christian nationalist or a white nationalist, your position should be the same. Jews don’t belong in positions of power or influence in your nation.
Do you, like Torba, make an exception for Jews who convert? Or do you take the hard-edged racial view–that baptism is insufficient to remove the genetic “taint”? Is the baptized child of a Christian mother and a Jewish father allowed to hold a position of power? How many generations does it take until the offending Ashkenazi genes have been sufficiently diluted?
The answer is that Jews are simply not part of our nation. If someone comes to my house and says, “Hey, I want to be a part of your family, and you should let me because I’m a Christian,” that’s not going to work. Understanding your “nation” as your extended family clears up a lot of this confusion.
Precisely this. In before someone brings it up: adoption does allow people to join other families (Nations), but that’s not what we are talking about here.
Jews are simply not a part of our Nation.
At any time in history the exact number of Jews that are Christians is always 0.
When a Jew converts they cease to be a Jew. So, what are we talking about here?
Do you believe the risen Jesus is “the Lion of Judah”? Or is that a mistake in Revelation 5:5?
“One last thing. It is often said that Ashkenazi sweJ are not sweJ at all, and that there is not a drop of Abraham’s blood in their veins. And so it is maintained that this is all a lot of fuss and bother over a bunch of nothing. “A gift is not irrevocable if it was never given.” This overlooks the fact that being a weJ was always about covenant, and not about DNA…. Ashkenazi and Sephardic sweJ are sweJ by covenant. And because they are sweJ by covenant, it will be a piece of cake for God to graft… Read more »
“We send billions of tax dollars that way to the detriment of our nation” The “dancing Israelis” from 9/11 come to mind. Justin Raimondo, a now-deceased libertarian (not an anti-Semite or white nationalist) wrote a book about them. He wasn’t the type to blame Jews or the Mossad for every problem or terrorist event, either. Why didn’t they warn us about 9/11? Or if the Mossad did warn us (as a RICO filing stated), why didn’t we listen? Either way, the jovial pictures (with their faces later censored by the FBI) are quite disturbing. FOIA Release of 9/11 Dancing Israelis… Read more »
Don’t forget about the Liberty or the Lavin affair
Pastor Wilson: I know this isn’t a Q/A format, but I’ve been struggling with something to do with this topic for years and would appreciate the input. I was in a church for a long time where the leaders made support for Israel a foundational principle. We, as a church, had to donate money directly to Jews in Israel each month. I believe their verse for this was Romans 15:27, which states it is a “duty” to support Jews. Even though I saw this verse clearly, it still didn’t sit well. Taken with everything else St. Paul wrote about one… Read more »
I agree with you. Paul was talking about the particular context of that particular gift.
“The Jews desire no more from their Messiah than that He should be a Kochab and a worldly king, who would slay the Christians, divide the world among the Jews and make them rich lords, and finally die like other kings and his children after him likewise. Of what good would the Jewish Messiah be to me, if he could not help me, poor human being, against my spiritual loss, and could not make my life one tenth part as good as that of a sow? Such a Messiah we Christians have, and for it we thank God the Father… Read more »
“This is directly connected to a factor that makes the Jews unique. They are not just “one more” unbelieving group…The Gentiles were the wastrel younger brother…Now the Jews are the older brother who heard the music and dancing from the driveway, and who therefore refused to come in. The Jews are our estranged older brother. This estrangement is not permanent. Not only does the father win back his younger son, he also is eventually reconciled to his older son. This is because the “gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable” (Rom. 11:29).” Careful, Doug. That almost sounds a little bit… Read more »
GRH, as long as I stick really close to Romans 11, I think I’ll be okay.
Well said, and so remember please:
There is always a Remnant. In Israel too.
We are Jewish, and we are spiritually alive. Ezek. 37, Jer. 31.
Hopefully that is enough motivation for you to be repeating Ps. 122:
For the sake of my brothers and my friends,
I will now say, “May peace be within you.”
For the sake of the house of the Lord our God,
I will seek your good.
Thank you for this article. The frequent anti-Jewish screeds on Gab, some by Torba himself, ultimately caused me to leave that platform.
Just out of curiosity, have you left all the other social media where there are frequent anti-Christian screeds?
I have seen anti-Christian screeds on social media. They’re pretty nasty. But I haven’t seen fantasies about putting Christians in ovens. Or demands that they all be rounded up, stripped of their assets by way of “reparations,” and then expelled from the country. Nor does the rhetoric feature a frenzy of adjectives such as depraved, perverted, Satanic, filthy, and vile. No one says about Christians, let’s give them the Stalin treatment they so richly deserve. I don’t think you can draw much of a parallel here.
They’re out there if you look. Obviously, the more extreme ones won’t be taken seriously (yet), but neither will the fantasies towards Jews right now. Christians, especially pro-lifers and street preachers, have been openly attacked as well. This is coming from an organization the powers-that-be claim is an “idea” that doesn’t exist…meaning they have no plans to stop it.
Antifa Threaten Terror Attacks Against American Catholics — Catholic Arena
All of these things are said about Christians, and more broadly about whites.
Of course, jews have committed actual collective crimes against their host nations constantly throughout history, and especially in the West.
I’ll never understand the stubborn boomer evangelical mentality of protecting the jews from any slight, yet never making any attempt whatsoever to protect your own children from their depradations.
Here’s an example about whites. A black man murders a 5-year old in cold blood. A FB group with 20,000 calls for the killer’s “justice” and calls him a political prisoner.
BLM Supporters Claim Cannon Hinnant’s Alleged Killer Is a ‘Political Prisoner’ In 20,000 Strong FB Group – News Punch
Several similar things happened in 2020. One involved thugs ambushing and killing a couple of cops in Texas (Hispanic and white police officers if memory serves). Those killers also received a lot of online support from BLM types. I haven’t seen anything similar where the races are reversed.
My own child is Jewish. I am more concerned with protecting her from people like Torba.
Torba isn’t going to attack anyone. This is a much bigger threat if she has light skin.
41 BLACK-ON-WHITE HOMICIDES: Home Invasions (Including A Boat Invasion) Really Are A Thing: July 2022—Another Month In The Death Of White America, by Kenn Gividen – The Unz Review
And here we find the root of the issue. Jews and those with jewish relatives always choose the tribe over anyone else. Torba’s free speech, the right of white Americans to rule themselves, and everything else go right out the window because you have a jewish child.
I am fine with Torba’s exercise of free speech. How else could I know about his particularly noxious take on Christian nationalism? If there will always be poisonous snakes around, I prefer them to come with loud warning rattles. What is “the right of white Americans to rule themselves”? If you are talking about a future white ethnic homeland, I don’t think it’s just people with Jewish relatives who aren’t on board. Your loathing of the Jews sounds a bit demented.
Are you okay with the current administraton’s “particularly noxious take” on secular soft totalitarian corporatism/socialism, disguised as “democracy”? Is Torba sending alphabet agencies to raid the homes of political opponents while letting criminal friends and family members off scot-free? Is he sending ATF agents to harass and threaten harmless suburbanites while allowing illegals to flood the Republic and doing nothing about cities with double-digit murders on weekends? Never mind going after the law-abiding tax base with a stronger IRS or keeping political foes in dungeon-like prisons for 18 months with no trial? Really now, all this pearl-clutching about a Christain… Read more »
Unless the sole remedy for all those ills is the imposition of a white ethnostate that excludes Jews, how are they relevant to what I said? I still prefer to believe that even the most conservative Americans don’t see “the right of white Americans to rule themselves” as their cherished ideal. I’m a multi-tasker. I can deplore holding prisoners in detention without trial, demand more LAPD officers on the street, agree our current immigration enforcement is deranged, criticize uneven application of the law, condemn sending the IRS after wrong-thinkers, and think people who hate Jews as a whole are human… Read more »
I brought those things up because you’re implying Torba is literally going to attack (or encourage others to attack) people like your daughter. I brought up actual wrongdoings instead of hypothetical stuff based on flimsy speculation in my opinion. I believe the things I brought up are relevant, along with article I sent re: white-on-black violence, which is much more prevalent than white-on-Jew, white-on-black, etc. In fact, the only more skewed group comparison is Black-on-Asian vs. Asian-on-Black (nearly non-existent) violence. What specifically did Torba say that encourages violence or makes him a “poisonous snake”? Are Biden administration members vipers for… Read more »
No one said you opposed Torba’s exercise of free speech.
But really, imagine believing that a people group doesn’t have a right to rule itself, pursue its own interests, etc.
Would you say the same about the state of Colorado? About the City of Colorado Springs? About a family? An individual? Comical. Absurd. Some might even say demented.
We absolutely can, and will, determine ourselves.
No, I don’t think that any of the many “people groups” who live in Los Angeles have a right to decide “Okay, this is now Little Armenia and the rest of you have to leave.” Or that two million Hispanic Angelenos have the right to tell the other two million of us “Vete, por favor.” It’s fine with me if you and your family don’t invite Jews to join you for Sunday dinner. But, under our laws, you don’t get to say they (or Armenians, Asians, blacks, and Hispanics) can’t live in your country. How is the Northwest Territorial Imperative… Read more »
“rest of you have to leave”? “can’t live in your country”? I don’t believe I said any of those things.
I had never even heard of the Northwest Territorial Imperative, so that should tell you how far off base you are.
I’m not sure what Matt meant by a race “ruling itself,” but he didn’t talk about using violence or political power to drive others out of areas. Your Hispanic example actually happened to some extent.
Latino Gang Tried to Drive All Blacks From California City | Fox News
Because “antisemitism” eh?
I have an account for a business I run and I have to actively avoid all political posts because they are littered with “Jews are the cause of all the evils of the world” comments; often lots of them.
It’s telling that the main response to your critique is “what about… “.
Regarding their heritage, the Jews are to be beloved for the sake of their fathers, and are to be evangelized. But regarding their relationship to the church and to the gospel they are enemies and the synagogue of Satan. Those that are concerned to be on the watch out for ungodly versions of antisemitism (as opposed to the fake antisemitism everyone is so quick to denounce) need to at the same time recognize that Jews have, in general, made themselves the enemy of Christian civilization and are leading the charge to remove Christianity from the public sphere. I don’t see… Read more »
Something something enemies of all mankind
We were all enemies, haters of God. But, Jesus, while we were dead in our sins died for the unjust and ungodly. My thinking is that the Jews are to be viewed, by a born again Christians, as the ancient people of God, who need their Savior Christ the Lord. In the mean time, we are to recognize that they are being used by the devil to bring a lot of damage to this fallen world, i.e. Soros and the like.
Excuse me, Bro. I am a Jewish follower of Messiah living in Israel for over 30 years, and there is no state-sponsored persecution here. We have equal rights protected by law. Some get harassed occasionally by a few fringe groups, but lawbreakers are arrested. IMO harassment of the believers in the USA is worse. The Bible is taught in the schools here (even the NT as Jewish literature). We are able to have very deep conversations with Israelis who are searching for God. And for Messiah. But these talks take place in Hebrew, as a family discussion. You don’t understand… Read more »
“The modern state of Israel is a train wreck of wickedness and persecutes the body of Christ.” — Hmmm. And how much time did you spend in Israel?
Like most here, I certainly don’t equate the Jews with the modern state of Israel. (As I heard Voddie Baucham point out, there are more Jews in the United States than there are in Israel). But I still think they are the “good guys” and our only real friend in the Middle East, and I support Israel as an ally.
Glad to see you dipping your toe. Please consider addressing the practical questions of jewish overrepresentation, subversion, anti-white hatred, usury, and etc in a future post.
You briefly mentioned Adventism. I’d be interested in your thoughts on them. My Adventist friends regard Ellen White as an imperfect reformer, not an apostle. I see it as a small step beyond dispensationalism: a serious heresy (lowercase “h”), yet still catholic (lowercase “c”). Ironically it seems like dispensationalists are the quickest to throw all Adventists into hell.
Great article. Perhaps the modern version of stoning ought to be banning …if you get my drift.
Guinness is good as far as it goes, but like Carl Trueman, he’s an Englishman who misses some of the finer points of our Republic. I cringe when I hear him repeat the stale and ghastly “We need another Lincoln” line.
“ So pray for the conversion of the Jews. The party is now in full swing, and we are enjoying it, but we still keep looking past the curtains, out to the driveway. Dad is still talking to him. If he comes in, the party can really start.” As the father of a prodigal child, a daughter, waiting years with no visible sign of softening her heart, I found these concluding lines to be among the most beautiful I’ve read recently. I am reminded in an orthogonal way now of God’s superpower for rescuing prodigals. He’ll rescue the Jews and… Read more »
“They are not just ‘one more’ unbelieving group.” I appreciated Doug’s wisdom and even-handedness here. The Jewish people have been the recipients of both inordinate hatred and inordinate love. When it comes to being special, the Jews in general still have that deposit of truth Paul refers to, one that gives them an advantage because it is precisely that which was intended to lead them, and indeed, all of us, to faith in Christ. But Doug is wrong when it comes to a “covenantal” advantage. The covenants of the Old Testament confuse us because they have similarities but also great… Read more »
Quality effortposting, thank you for your thoughts.
Having read Os’ book, where can I get my hands on Torba’s and Isker’s book? I’d like to draw a complete picture from this based on your post.
This article and most of the discussion centers on a faulty premise. That modern Jewry actually represents the descendants of Jacob/Israel. They actually do not. Historically, prophetically, and genealogically, Western Europeans and their posterity (America) are Israel, a fact which of course renders “Zionism” a complete lie. Thus, to complain about “antisemitism” on GAB or elsewhere has always been a fallacy on its face – a false accusation created to bludgeon Christendom into submission to the Zionist/globalist narrative. The fact is, most modern “Jews” are not Semites at all, but most likely of Japheth. Ironically, the Palestinians (and Arabs generally)… Read more »
Enjoyed the commentary. I have traveled the path of Messianic Judaism for a few decades. This, as a fellow who is not sure he is Jewish. Yet something along that ethnic identity, or ideological identity resonates. Speaking of which, and this is that 20th/21st American or Cultural Marxist alibi unnecessary, yet required, preamble: From my father’s side it’s French, German, Swiss and English, from my mother’s side its Panamanian, Amer Indian AKA Mestizo, and possibly Chinese. Making me—normal. Actually mixing up in me features wise as a guy, who used to travel a lot, the Middle East on that itinerary… Read more »
The church is Israel. There is no J or gentile in Christ.
* It’s interesting that all of the Hebrew genealogical records were burned up in 70AD.
I believe Tim Gallant wrote a paper in this vein a number of years ago. It was a more detailed exegesis of the Romans passages where Paul speaks of this.
Excellent post. Cant wait for the follow-up.
Premillennial Dispensational Rapture-ism has created a belief system within most of evangelicalism that elevates Jews AND the state of Israel to a level of idolatry similar to the misguided Catholic veneration of Mary. While they do not pray to Israel, the reverence and even fear to criticize put Jews and Israel in a position equal to or above the church of the Lord Jesus. They fear to even acknowledge legitimate criticism of either the ethnic people, or the state of Israel, as it may displease God and bring cursing upon them. To them, Israel is still the “chosen people” but… Read more »
You know Jeff I think the Catholics could make a better traditional case for their deep reverence for Mary better than the Evangelicals make a scriptural case for, as you accurately put it, idolatry for Israel.
I think Christian Zionism is going to go down as an errant unnecessary accouterments to the Gospel.
So by the argument of some comments here, Tamar, Rahab and Ruth could not be Jews as they did not have the correct DNA. And yet God chose them to be the bearers of the seed of His promised Messiah. Both Joseph, the legal father of Jesus, and Mary, the physical mother of Jesus have them all in their ancestry. God must have made a mistake.
There is no doubt that the power structures in America and the American church have an unhealthy love affair with Israel and the jews. Much of it in the church circles I grew up in, came from Genesis 12:3. I never questioned it until I got older and began to see that Israel did a lot of awful stuff and got a free pass from American christians. The mantra of “Israel right or wrong” never set right with me. If they are God’s chosen people, they dont get a free pass to do whatever they want without condemnation. They should… Read more »
Man, I’m sure glad 40 Acres and A Kardashian isn’t around to see this.
May he Rest In Peace. I know his family is. He was a horrible person.
Pr Doug.
Every time I hear that jews are saved, I aks “if there is any promisse of eternal salvation in the old covenant to begin with?!”
I never found.
Am I mistake?
(From Brazil)
“Nevertheless I am continually with You;
You hold me by my right hand.
You will guide me with Your counsel,
And afterward receive me to glory.” (Psalm 73:23-24)
Doug, some people in the YouTube comments have said you claim jewish ancestry and that your son in law is jewish. Is this true, and if so, does it influence your thinking on this topic in any way?
He said in one post that he was two percent Jewish (according to a DNA test), which is not enough to get him in trouble by any standards. His parents both lived their entire lives as Christians or nominal Christians, not as Jews, and as far as I know there is no record of Judaism being practiced by anyone in his, and he would not identify himself as Jewish, but as European-American, perhaps Scottish. He did say one of his co-grandfathers was a Jewish Christian, but that would make his son-in-law only half Jewish, not considered a Jew by Talmudic… Read more »
Thanks. Doug doesn’t strike me as a crypto jew either, but I know that when people think of themselves as part jewish or have jewish relatives, it can impact their thinking on the matter, so I thought it worth asking.
Thank you Pastor Wilson for a very Biblical analysis of the “Jewish question” that has plagued the Church ever since the beginning. At first, the question was not the “Jewish question” but rather the “gentile question”. “Can a gentile be saved while not becoming a Jew?” The answer is obivously yes, and it was answered by the apostles in the Book of Acts and in the decisions made in the Council of Jerusalem. Later, the questions have become “Can Jews be saved while not becoming a gentile?” And I think Paul answered it in Romans very well. While there are… Read more »
Not sure this would be the book project I would put at the time of your list (that is my only critique). It seems that following the direction of Jesus’ ministry, His passion was not only to fulfill His role as the sinless Lamb of God but to bring an official end to apostate Israel. At that time the nation was in full rebellion against the purposes of God and without life (or fruit). The coup de grace would have been the annihilation of the structure which pictured the New Temple as described in Ephesians 2:11 and following. This “…new… Read more »
Well written article. Many have left gab due to the rabid anti- jew hate embraced by Torba and many others. I prefer to challenge when possible, and continue to embrace many good people still there who don’t partake in the hatred and irrational/anti Biblical behavior. Some days are so bad, I don’t spend time there. Life is not an echo chamber where we all regurgitate back at each other. It is a meeting of minds who don’t always agree, but we should be able to discuss matters in a civil manner without histrionics. Many who call themselves Christians don’t like… Read more »