I really do need to say something about my grandson, Rory, because when you are this proud of somebody, it is necessary to say something. As a number of you know, he is about to graduate from Columbia, and so he has been a close observer of all the recent tumult there. Last night, a mob, apparently non-matriculating, got onto campus (through dorm windows and such), and tried to take over Hamilton Hall. Rory and a friend stood in their way while calling on help from the university—which not surprisingly failed to materialize. I have long said that one of the goals of godly parenting is to bring up kids who are able to stand up to a mob, which Nate and Heather clearly did well.
For those keeping track, this is the same Rory who stood up to the bullying of the city of Moscow, and whose extraordinary case is now before the Idaho Court of Appeals.
Comments are open.
Thanks be to God for raising up men like Rory.
this is incredibe! Praying these thugs would stop….#sobbing
they are terrorists! Rory the braveheart!
Wow. FBI, can’t I get this person on a list?
Elizabeth, you are a bloodthirsty maniac.
He is protecting Jewish people!
I am a maniac? The FBI prolly already has me on their list. ..how am I bloodthirsty? #antisemitism is real….
Your open fantasy of seeing another Kent State because of a political disagreement over a genocide being conducted by the Zionist Israeli government in another country is pitiful and you should be ashamed. How many Jews are in Guantanamo bay vs Muslims?
The last time I checked, the terrorists in Guantanamo were listed by world organizations.
So far, as much as you think that Israel is going to far to defend itself, they are not conducting genocide but are involved in legitimate urban warfare. Hamas is just like other terrorist organizations and has no compulsions about using civilians as shields.
Defend itself by murdering tens of thousands of civilians. Just admit you don’t care because they aren’t Christian.
Some are.
Great point.
Admit it, you are exaggerating on both the death toll and on my intentions. Even Hamas came out and said they lied about the civilian deaths.
You’ll have to dig deep to beat a Hamas statement that they overstated the actual number of Gaza deaths.
You got your numbers, I got mine. You just want to see dead Muslims.
“Genocide”… you keep using that word….
So do all of the other humanitarian organizations. You know something they don’t?
I don’t know
Another Kent State would be hilarious
Especially the crucifixion. Only Kent State actually happened.
It’s clear what would have happened hadn’t he been there. Jewish students could have been gently jostled.
Perhaps even tussled?
Perhaps more likely severely injured or killed because the protestors don’t care about individual or collective rights and are happy to injure anyone as we have seen at other peaceful protests around the states.
Chris, why do you support known terrorist groups?
One man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter. Pretty much all of America’s foreign policy is terrorism by definition.
If they were on the payroll they’d be called “moderate rebels”.
Why do you support Hamas?
Freedom fighters don’t hide behind civilians but terrorists do.
Freedom fighters don’t blow up bakeries, schools and hospitals, then withhold supplies to an entire civilian population. Terrorists do tho.
You are correct there as Hamas has stolen most of the foreign aid that was passed into Gaza. And they don’t share with the civilians.
Let’s think about that for a minute. Do you remember Paul Kessler who was killed by the same style of protestors in LA? What about the Jewish students locked in for their own safety because protestors at New York City College were pounding on the doors, demanding to be let in where the Jewish students were sheltering.
Why don’t you tell us where you live so that we may gently jostle you a bit?
Poast physique manlet
Ugh, another internet tough guy 🙄
I guess it’s true that one death is a tragedy and 10,000 is a statistic.
Readers, Chris and Barnabas are finally flying their true colors. Their support for the Palestinian rioters and their pushing Hamas talking points shows their anti-Semitic roots clearly. The silly They want us to think that every Israeli action happening in Gaza is genocide when it is not. The tag team approach has worked for years here and now they are exposed for what they are. They support terrorists whose charter is like that of the Palestine Authority which states clearly the goal is the elimination of the Jewish state completely and the death of all Jews in Israel. Good luck… Read more »
Billions of your tax dollars pay for this. Israel owns your congressmen. It needs to stop.
What did Israel do for you recently?
Readers, please also note that neither Chris nor Barnabas dispute their anti-Semitic stance but only push bad talking points and ask what Israel has done for me.
They fly their black flag of terrorism well.
Point to my antisemitism dude. And this whole “dear readers” bit is really cringe 😬
Can I say faggot here?
I don’t allow Jews any unique status to warrant a term such as “antisemitism.” I’ll continue to call em as I see em.
“The world is rated R, and no one is checking IDs. Do not try to make it G by imagining the shadows away. Do not try to hide your children from the world forever, but do not try to pretend there is no danger. Train them. Give them sharp eyes and bellies full of laughter. Make them dangerous. Make them yeast, and when they’ve grown, they will pollute the shadows.”
Way to pollute some shadows…
wow! Congratulations pastor Doug Wilson and this young man’s dad.
what a guy! .. he no doubt learned guts and poise with the legal battle back home.
Slay the dragon… get the girl! … he’s going to have to be knocking them off with a stick (figuratively of course!).
May he find (if not already) a godly woman to marry!
Jesus dude why don’t you marry him?
Serve the dragons…get the money
This is the same as all the other times that a bunch of idiots are recruited to go somewhere and incite normal people to do something foolish. Good job not getting suckered Rory!
This is what students are protesting.
Barnabas, you really have put forward a strong argument for supporting the Hamas terrorists.
What about the dead in Israel?
What about the missile attacks and terrorist attacks for years before the October 7th massacre?
You think history started in October of last year 🙄 this has been a long term Zionist project. Read a history book not recommended by this slavery apologist.
Chris, I am completely horrified at what Israel is doing in Gaza and I also hold Hamas as primarily morally culpable. Suppose a bank robber takes a teller as hostage and a police officer shoots and kills the hostage. (Just to be clear, in my hypo Hamas is the bank robber, the Palestinian people are the teller, and the Israeli army is the police officer.) Yes, the police officer deserves harsh criticism for killing an innocent bystander, but can you please save some outrage for the hostage taker who created the situation in the first place? Hamas is using innocent… Read more »
So level all of their hospitals and kill innocent children. The bombings will continue until morale improves. Shireen Abu Akleh was killed two years ago, any reproductions for Israel? Again, this goes beyond October 7th. You mad at the Jews in the concentration camps if there was a violent uprising?
Chris, did you miss the part where I led off by saying I was horrified by what Israel is doing in Gaza?
But I don’t hear you assigning any blame at all to Hamas, even though Hamas is the entity using civilians as human shields. Hamas could end this tomorrow if it wanted to.
You realize you had to scroll past the evidence against this human shield claim.
And what would you call embedding yourself in hospitals, and building tunnels so that you can’t be eliminated unless lots of civilians are too, if it’s not using civilians as human shields?
Didn’t watch it or won’t address it?
Well, you’re not addressing my comment.
I did watch it and it’s completely misleading.
No fair building tunnels so you can’t be eliminated.
So if anybody uses a human shield in a society, the entire area including the human shield need to be glassed. Got it.
Chris, I abhor much of what Israel has done in Gaza. That said, what would you do instead if you were the prime minister of Israel? I don’t think Netanyahu has any good options. He’s surrounded by Arabs who really do want to drive Israel into the sea, and who have demonstrated a willingness to engage in bloody terrorism to make it happen. I agree that razing Gaza wasn’t the right answer, but is there a right answer?
Readers, please note that the hospital Chris claims was leveled was in fact a communication and control center for Hamas and the Israeli soldiers had to fight their way into and through the hospital found weapons and hostage evidence in and under the hospital. The Hamas officers and staff that were captured inside confirmed the martial use of the hospital rather than the intended use of it as a hospital. Even the NY Times and the Washington Post published that information. Also, since Chris likes history, consider the history of those calling themselves Palestinians who are so violent that they… Read more »
The hospital “command and control center” story was laughable propaganda on the part of Israel. It’s on video, a single chair and a piece of rope was the evidence of holding hostages and one or two guns that may or may not have been planted by the IDF. How many guns would you find in an Israeli hospital?
These people have no respect for the truth and no respect for human life. The disgusting alliance between Evangelicals and bloodthirsty Neocons must end.
Forget it man, he’s to far gone. He’s praying for Armageddon like a goody good boy and just loves to see brown people get lit up.
So you think the actions of Israel discussed in the video are justified?
Nope. Just a few facts that Chris, Barnabas and you are not interested in facing. When any facility is used for military purposes, it is no longer a school, hospital, mosque, or church it is a legitimate military target.
Were the actions of the allied forces during WW II justified to force the Germans to surrender?
Yeah that’s addressed it the video you refuse to respond to.
No, the USA had no business being involved in WWII in the first place and the mass incineration of civilians to force an unconditional rather than a negotiated surrender is not justified.
The cause is immaterial. This kind of wanton lawlessness that endangers people is not “protesting.”
You can see why someone might take what’s happening in Gaza more seriously than a sit in at Columbia University. It’s immaterial to partisan Neocons.
When did sit ins become violent and destroy most of the building’s interior. There is a huge difference between a sit in and what is going on now.
Your comments are obviously overstating these non-organic protests in the same way that the burning of America’s cities was told to us as mostly peaceful protests. Nope. Just stop.
Hi Dave! New York Penal Law 24-26 for starters. Harassment in the 2nd Degree (Physical Contact or Attempt or Threat to do the same).
Way to stay calm Rory! I think I would have at least wanted to pull someone’s mask down.
Oh wait…Nation Magazine wants to reward their resiliency; “And yet, here they are, many of them the most privileged students in the country, risking their physical safety, academic standing, and futures by demanding accountability from powerful administrators. They are facing down militarized police and being threatened with arrest, tear gas, tasers, and brutality. They are, in fact, exhibiting the grit and competence, control and commitment that they have been castigated, as a generation, for lacking.”
Yep…that’s what their exhibiting. (facepalm)
Probably not people I hang around with. I might have even been fighting them in the streets a few years ago and since Zionism wasn’t at stake Doug Wilson would have said I was going to hell for it. In this particular case, I may not care for their methods (though honestly, I’m not inclined to defend Ivy League schools or the Jewish elites attending them) but they are right on the issue. There’s literally nothing so heinous that Evangelicals won’t embrace it with a little partisan narrative spinning.
JF, I agree with NY law. Did you see the latest report that these peaceful protestors have destroyed property and held three janitors as hostages?
I did. If you’re a peaceful protestor supporting Hamas, you’re kind of letting your team down. Hostages seems the logical conclusion; if it’s working for the epicenter of your movement, why not act in solidarity?
Sadly, I see conflict in the area as a continuation of the Arab-Israeli War. It never really ended…and likely never will in a way both sides accept and support. It would be interesting to have 6-Day War survivors talk with current day protestors and see how their accounts differ.
If this was a sit in, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
That’s a fact, Jane! :)
too long for me to watch
Maybe I can find you a TikTok
Congratulations! Well done!
Hope the girls are paying attention.
Dude, keep your feelings to yourself. You know what they think of the gays here?
“The Moscow Mood is just larping” hasn’t aged well. Nice work Rory!
So…not a Jewish student and not attacked.
Yes, that’s right. Only the members of a minority that are being directly targeted should care when their institution is being taken over by barbarians and their fellow students endangered. You are such a fantastic avatar of Christian thought on this site.
Really, though, what this site needs is a block button so the rest of us don’t have to look at your foolishness when the adults are trying to talk.
Sorry to spoil your echo chamber.
Pointing out how people try to spin the narrative. No student,Jewish or otherwise, attacked in this video. I would take the concerns of Israelis and their American golems more seriously if they weren’t constantly lying.
Yes, no one was attacked in this video. That means there was absolutely zero chance that the “protestors” in this video were going to do the same things that “protestors” did on many occasions over the last few months.
But you’re right, the righteous people were sitting around going, “Doesn’t matter what might happen to some of my classmates at the hands of violent cosplaying protestors because they’re Jewish and I’m not. I’m too virtuous for anything like that.”
I don’t need an echo chamber. Dissenting viewpoints from rational people are not something I avoid.
Then instead of JEWISH STUDENTS ATTACKED, the tweet should have read “annoying hippies jostle a ginger but might potentially turn super violent at some point in the future”.
This is to cement in people’s minds that they saw Jewish students attacked when that’s just not the case.
Not sure why you are even bothering to dispute me on this. It’s just a fact.
Would Barnabas ever seriously claim to be a Christian?
Clearly not. Real Christians love bunker busters vaporizing kids.
They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth.
What do you mean “not a Jewish student”?
Probably just got himself a job with a Washington Neocon think tank…”Speak truth to power!”
These cowards man I swear. Money >= God.
Nice work. I would be proud as well.
Good lord.
Nothing is more depressing than seeing a White institution being defended from a bunch of feral brown-skins (that don’t belong here in the first place) in the name of jews. But good for your grandson standing his ground, if only it wasn’t being painted as being in the name of jews (i.e synagogue of Satan). Who let those nasty pro-Palestinians anti-White brown-skins into our country in the first place? Oh right, the jews. And isn’t Soros (the jew) funding a majority of these protests? Why would that be? Because jews want to flood White nations with feral browns to destroy… Read more »
PF, the only people who have had a bigger hand than the Jews in tearing down the Christian West have been those nefarious whites. They’re the worst. You know, Woodrow Wilson, Margaret Sanger, Franklin Roosevelt, Earl Warren, that whole pasty gang.
And Rory did a year at NSA before heading out to do battle.
Just out of curiosity, is he majoring in a field of science or is he going into the influence peddling business?
You must be a lot of fun at parties!!
What a congregation you have here, Doug! Impressive bunch. Lots of healthy individuals with rational takes.
Roosevelt! Now THATS a real one. Unless you wanted the Nazis to win I guess…
All of which were heavily influenced, supported and financed by either extremely liberal or zionistic jews. Usually both. But I do appreciate you coming out and admitting your anti-White bias. And also good to know that one year at NSA is plenty for kids to then go on and contribute to the credentialism that is apparently so terrible about schools like Columbia (according to NSA).
Woodrow Wilson:
Margaret Sanger (not to mention Albert Lasker who funded her and came up with the name Planned Parenthood):
Franklin Roosevelt:
Earl Warren:
Doug, it’s ironic, but you only help to prove Patriot Front’s point. Wilson was a staunch Zionist. Sanger was married to a jew and worked directly with many other jews to advance Planned Parenthood. Warren was awarded and accepted the “Stephen Wise Award” in 1970 from the American Jewish Congress. The same Rabbi Stephen Wise who said “Some may call it Communism, but I call it what it is: Judaism.” FDR allied the US with those very same communists in Russia, who happened to be overwhelmingly jewish (Lenin, Trotsky, Yagoda, Kaganovich, and the vast majority of the commissars). A regime… Read more »
I love that you started a whole new post without comments enabled, to address the comments made in this post. All while slinging mud at commenters, offering them no chance to respond. From the sounds of it, Stephen Wolfe is on the right path. Zionists are the cause of all the degeneracy and destruction of morals you see in our nation today. How can a Christian defend those who worship Satan and actively attack Jesus Christ? This nation became great because it served God and followed His laws. The immigration policies that the Founders set in place reflect the fact… Read more »
Evangelical Christians should literally throw their bodies between Ivy League Jews and the monster they created.
Patriot Front, I am glad to see that there are other men around who have eyes to see. Thank you for your excellent comments, I hope that you are local to the Moscow area.
Amen, brother. And I’m local enough. Feel free to shoot me an email sometime at Christorkikes@gmail.com
This cannot be a real email 🤡
it’s better than my other ones bywhattalmudicstandard@gmail.com and smashmouthcircumsion@gmail.com
Doug, that rock you threw into the pack must have been a doozy. The dogs are here yelping louder than ever.
Campus Jews
I saw this yesterday and had no idea that was Rory! Way to go, Rory!!!
He seems to be in the midst of the worst of the worst, according to Dave Reboi
No fetal position here.
Tell how your losing political power while not telling my your losing your political power.
“ It is quite true that something like this should have happened back when the mobs were pulling down statues. And so I could wish someone had interposed to defend Robert E. Lee…”
They did, you bloviating neckbeard. You took the other side.
I despise mobs generally, and respect people who stand up to them, generally. Maybe you remember something, so I’ll ask: When and how did Wilson take the other side?
You like this guys takes too? Is he standing against the woke mob and proving the election was stolen? Not looking good 😬
In 2017 when rally goers had a permit to rally in support of the Robert E Lee in Lee Park and were attacked by both Antifa and Terry McAuliffe’s state police.
Wilson called them white supremacists marching to hell. All Americans lost their constitutional right to freedom of assembly that day.
I didn’t realize so many Hamas apologists read Doug’s blog.
Mostly bloodthirsty zionists but you do you.
lol, new post, new lord of the rings reference. Ugh. Grow up and read adult literature at least.
In the Fox News interview, what is the translation of the Hebrew on Rory’s shirt? I suspect it is “Jesus is King.”
No, it just says “Columbia.”