If I might, I would like to draw your attention to your immediate left, where you will at first think you are seeing double, only up and down, not left and right. But the Credenda cover underneath the first one is actually the image for Credenda audio, a new feature around these parts. A closer …
A Filter for Gunk.com
My friend Randy Booth recently preached a sermon on blogging and the cursing of Shimei. The sermon notes were really good, and I recommend you take a look at them here. Randy is planning a series of messages at his home church on this general theme, and so after waiting an appropriate period of time …
Getting A Theology of Kids
Over on the right hand side, on the bookrack, please note the safe arrival of The Case for Covenant Communion, just released by Athanasius Press. In all the “great-is-Diana-of-the-Ephesians” episodes of the last three years, there really are just a handful of root issues — and no, throwing dirt in the air is not one …
Lots of Death Spirals
Mark Driscoll has some good things to say here about the Episcopalian death spiral. HT: Justin Taylor Speaking of death spirals, seven Canadian women have decided to take the innovative thinking about marriage (that is all the rage these days) to the next so-called level. They have decided to marry themselves, which should at least …
Extended Deadline
The last time I did this, a discussion broke out over whether we ought to cancel Trinity Fest. With this shameless appeal, because I am running that risk yet again, let me begin by showing the consistency between repentance of sin and rejoicing before the Lord. The reason for Trinity Fest in the first place …
A Twofer
Couple of shameless appeals, right in a row. The first is that today marks the fact that there is only one week remaining for those who want to get the early registration rates for Trinity Fest. The deadline is June 15. The second is that St. Anne’s Pub has updated their web site, and they …
Theological Fun, That Is
For some good wholesome fun, a Semi-Pelagian Narrower Catechism can be found here. HT: David Field
Important Update
I am quite pleased with how the archives feature works now. As I added categories over time, my cyber-basement turned into quite a rats’ nest. But now (although the archives by date feature still works the same way), I have placed the posting categories into broader categories which should make navigation a breeze. Although I …
Sure. Why Not?
For any of you who are thinking about coming to Trinity Fest this August (and why wouldn’t you be?), this is a reminder that really has your best interests in mind. Early registration gets the worm, and a bird in the hand is worth six in an aviary. All of which is to say, actually, …
C.S. Lewis and First Editions. No, Not Kenny Rogers.
May I take a minute to plug Santa Cruz Books? If you would like to get your hands on a C.S. Lewis first edition, this is the place for you. I have added this site to my Books section on the left. Full disclosure: the site is run and maintained by a co-grandparent of the …