The Last Words of David

The Preamble of the Constitution of the State of Idaho includes this: “We, the people of the State of Idaho, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and promote our common welfare do establish this Constitution.” Later, the same Constitution says: “All political power is inherent in the people. Government is …

Might As Well Go Along Quietly

An election is fast approaching. Many Christians are distressed at the condition of our country, and they are equally distressed over the choices they have in elections. Why is “none of the above” ever an option? While it is not appropriate to use a Christian pulpit as a partisan platform, it is equally unacceptable for …

Choosing Between a Real Enemy or a False Friend

Tomorrow is super-sized Tuesday, or whatever it is they call it. A discussion in a recent comments thread has asked why I would be unwilling to vote for Romney or McCain in the general election if they were running against Obama or Hillary, why I would “throw my vote away” by voting for an obscure …

Panic and Prudence

Economics is theological. How we spend our money, both individually and collectively, reveals the true nature of the god we worship. Do we worship the God of the Bible or do we worship Mammon? For consistent Christians, it should make very little difference to them whether it is Mammonism of the right or Mammonism of …

What We Need Around Here Is A Jet Boat

Here is where we are. American Christians who care about the lordship of Christ in the political realm are in the following position. The Democrats, because of their pro-abort, anti-life, anti-fruitfulness stands, are out. The Hillarybot is simply an ambition machine with a pro-death agenda. Obama seems like a normal human being, but his policy …

If You Can’t Say Anything Nice . . .

You have all heard the saying that is attributed to pretty much everybody’s grandmother, right? “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” So in that spirit, I thought I would try to say at least one positive thing about every remaining presidential candidate. So that I don’t come near the end …