I have two random thoughts on the circus maximus that we call presidential politics. First, the pagentry of modern politics is the pagentry of a false religion. In saying this I am of course not referring to the simple process of selecting a leader. That part of it is necessary and just fine. The problem …
Panic and Prudence
Economics is theological. How we spend our money, both individually and collectively, reveals the true nature of the god we worship. Do we worship the God of the Bible or do we worship Mammon? For consistent Christians, it should make very little difference to them whether it is Mammonism of the right or Mammonism of …
What We Need Around Here Is A Jet Boat
Here is where we are. American Christians who care about the lordship of Christ in the political realm are in the following position. The Democrats, because of their pro-abort, anti-life, anti-fruitfulness stands, are out. The Hillarybot is simply an ambition machine with a pro-death agenda. Obama seems like a normal human being, but his policy …
If You Can’t Say Anything Nice . . .
You have all heard the saying that is attributed to pretty much everybody’s grandmother, right? “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” So in that spirit, I thought I would try to say at least one positive thing about every remaining presidential candidate. So that I don’t come near the end …
Fruitless Bloodlust of Sodom
When Herod issued the order for the boys in the vicinity of Bethlehem to be killed, he was not just being murderous personally. There was a corporate, covenantal statement being made as well, which was that Israel had become Egypt, and the tetrarch over the Jews had become a Pharaoh. Pharaoh had murdered the children …
Mammon and Managed Markets
Jeff Tucker lets off a little steam here. HT: David Field. But since I have linked to the von Mises site, let me just say something about secular economic libertarianism. There are two points to make about it. First, it is an idol. Second, it is an idol that virtually no one bows down to. …
Always Smite the Commies
I have mentioned before the fact that I am pleased to have participated in the Cold War, first as a child doing the public school nuke drills at Germantown Elementary in Annapolis, and then later as a sailor looking at Russia through a periscope. But personal experience aside, the hot wars of the first part …
Like Butterscotch Pudding
One of the things I learned from Rushdoony (is that okay to admit?) is the concept of tolerance as false truce. All law is imposed morality, and the only question is which morality is going to be imposed, not whether one is going to be imposed. Periods of “tolerance” are times when this appears not …
Stay Tuned for the Logrolling
So, then, Romney won in Michigan. All we need now is for Thompson to win in South Carolina on Saturday, and we will have ourselves an interesting race. If Ron Paul keeps coming in with his significant percentages, and as the other candidates approach the convention, nobody will be in a position to blow the …
Both Pockets Full of Cash
So here’s some quick punditry standing on horseback at a full gallop. Watch me go. The results out of Iowa are interesting. Living in a democracy is interesting. Living in a rowdy democracy is interesting. First, take both parties together. The results appear to be largely connected to that intangible thing called likeability. Huckabee comes …