Yahweh for Sunshine and Baal for Rain

There are really two basic questions when it comes to questions of theocracy. The first is erroneously thought to be a genuine question — whether or not we should have a theocracy, whether there will be a god who rules over any given culture. The fact that this is even believed to be a coherent …

Why We Should Rather Not Become An Obama-Nation

Whether we like it or not, our understanding of Scripture (or lack of understanding) is a central part of our public policy debates. There will be more on this in an upcoming discussion of N.T. Wright’s unfortunate backing away from some of the central public ramifications of the faith, which he did in the aftermath …

Just Enough Oxygen for One

I want to begin a short series of comments, keyed off of Jonah Goldberg’s book Liberal Fascism. As Goldberg demonstrates repeatedly, fascism was a phenomenon of the left, and the ones who were fascinated by it in this country were what we call progressives. Simplifying only just a little bit, the differences between communism and …