Having gotten through what we all believe to have been one of the wildest political seasons ever, such that we are all checking our watches and starting to gather our stuff so that we might go, it suddenly dawns on us that the circus orchestra has only just finished the overture. There is a lot …
Who Swears To His Own Hurt
So I wrote that I was grateful for the fact that Cruz did not endorse Donald Trump. I still am grateful. But I also have noticed, online and in personal conversations, that a number of people (who are not Trump fans) are arguing that Cruz should be rejected for good over this because he was …
So Ted Cruz refrained from endorsing Donald Trump last night, and so my respect for him remains high. I appreciate it deeply. If he had endorsed Trump, then my support for Cruz would have gone the way of the woolly mammoth. The pressure on Cruz to cave must have been enormous, as can be ascertained …
Among the First Responders
Brussels is only 200 miles from London. I live 2,500 miles from Washington, D.C. Perhaps you see where this is going. We are living in a time of enormous upheaval. Some of it is good, lots of it is bad, and all of it is challenging. The Brexit exit was one of the good things, …
The Latest Trumpadoo
Introduction: So here are a few random thoughts on the latest iteration of our great republican hokey pokey. Have you ever read color commentary on res publicae hoci poci, to use Cato’s oft abused phrase? Well, that’s all anybody reads anymore, right? But here goes anyhow. Shock and Aw, Shucks: The first thing to say, …
President Boaty McBoatface
Let us discourse for a moment on the high perils of popular democracy. A recent example of this was what happened when British authorities decided to allow an entity called “the Internet” to name a newly built polar research vessel. The returns were overwhelming — the name, if the public’s wisdom was to be consulted, …
An Encouragement to Vote
Before saying what I want to say here, I need to start with a disclaimer. The church of Jesus Christ is inherently political, but it must not be partisan. The mere existence of the church will have political ramifications, but this is no reason for the church to over-commit. It is the difference between being …
‘Murica Furioso
Some of you may have noticed that I haven’t said much of anything political since Ted Cruz suspended his campaign, and this was because I didn’t want to give into the temptation to spit, or curse, or otherwise descend to personalities. Political discourse should be an activity that elevates while it engages, which is not …
7 Reasons Why a Trump Administration Might be a Good Thing
No, no. I haven’t gone soft in the #NeverTrump department. Read on. “Their heart is as fat as grease; But I delight in thy law” (Ps. 119:70). 1. A Trump administration would manifestly be a judgment from God, and judgments from God are good. Not pleasant, but they are always good. God knows how to …
Geopolitical Trash Talk
Let me tell you a story. My ultimate purpose is to talk about the Russian jets buzzing one of our ships in a strafing formation, but first I want to tell you a story. When I was in the Navy on the USS Tusk (SS 428)– the picture attached is one of me obscuring the …