An Encouragement to Vote

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Before saying what I want to say here, I need to start with a disclaimer. The church of Jesus Christ is inherently political, but it must not be partisan. The mere existence of the church will have political ramifications, but this is no reason for the church to over-commit. It is the difference between being told of the biblical necessity for being pro-life from the pulpit and being told to vote for “our friend Joe” here from the pulpit.

That said, between Sundays we are involved in the lives of one another, and a pastor is also a private citizen. In that capacity, I can certainly tell you what I think. And because this blog is not paid for or hosted by Christ Church, I am at liberty to do so. This coming Tuesday (May 17), we have a primary election here in Idaho. I would like to encourage everyone who lives in this district (who can vote in the Republican primary) to make a point of voting for my friend Carl Berglund. This kind of vote at the local level will become increasingly important as we consider the ever-lengthening clown car parade at the national levels.

Here is some background info on Carl, for those who don’t know him.

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8 years ago

It occured to me the other day that the OT laws regarding a goring ox may have some bearing on the election. Short version: if the ox gores somebody to death but the animal wasn’t previously known to be vicious, the owner was not held liable. But if the animal was “accustomed to goring” and the owner didn’t keep him securely pinned up, then the owner himself could be stoned if the animal killed someone. Trump is accustomed to lying. Nobody but nobody denies this. To anyone who votes for Trump — “I thought he wouldn’t lie this time” will… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  jigawatt

I know he lies.
I know the GOP in-toto lies.
I know the Democarts lie.

I know the uini-party lies.
I know the uni-party, in power, is globalist, multiculturalist and antagonistic towards my faith.

Trump blows up the construct of the unit-party. If he is lying about it, then nothing new is lost. If he is telling the truth, then I gain.

8 years ago
Reply to  timothy

Trump blows up the construct of the unit-party. If he is lying about it, then nothing new is lost. If he is telling the truth, then I gain. I get that. If I could be assured that the ONLY thing Trump would do is blow up the GOP and the Uni-Party, then I’d probably vote for him. Problem is, one day I’m going to have to explain to my grandkids why I helped put him in office. Knowing who he is, I’m left without excuse when he [fill in the blank]. I can imagine a lot of things worse than… Read more »

Luke Pride
8 years ago

“in one the lives of one another” I’m not sure what you mean by that.

It is always disheartening to me that any political talk from one in ministry is shouted down as going beyond their job, while every other profession (actors, teachers, etc.) use their positions to push not only for policies but also for certain candidates.

8 years ago

Don’t vote, it just encourages them (and it’s bad for you, too).

Mark Hanson
Mark Hanson
8 years ago
Reply to  ashv

My favorite political bumper sticker.

8 years ago

That candidate seems like my kind of fellow. I applaud your attention to local solutions.

Tim Hagen
Tim Hagen
8 years ago

Looking over the sample ballot, any advice on who should succeed Justice Jim Jones?

Josh Wallace
Josh Wallace
8 years ago

Vote Gary Johnson so your vote isn’t wasted.

Josh Wallace
Josh Wallace
8 years ago

Ahab vs. Jezebel