Although it be Tuesday, there will be no letters or responses today. It is a long and unhappy tale, what with me being on the road, and the wireless on my laptop konking out, such that I am reduced to typing with one finger on my iPad, and I don’t have ready access to your …
Viewing the Kavanaugh Game Film
1 I knew that the Left had been guilty of a gross overreach late last week, prior to the final confirmation vote on Kavanaugh. I was en route to an early morning 6 am meeting, and stopped at a convenience store for some coffee. The other customer in there was a salt-of-the-earth type, the kind …
An Intergalactic Freak Show
Introduction: It has been shrewdly observed that there are really only two political parties in Washington—the Evil Party and the Stupid Party. And every once in a while we are permitted to be the gobsmacked spectators of some fresh exercise in bipartisanship, which usually entails the leaders of both parties at a press conference, hand-in-hand, …
Their Blood Sacrament
Of course everyone recognizes that the battle over the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh is a battle—all understand that there is a fight going on. And more than a few understand that the battle is over Roe. But this understanding is greater on the side of the secularists, their understanding is much more pronounced. Many Christians—bless …
The Man with the Quivering Red Laser Dot on His Chest
Introduction: So let us discuss the recent charges leveled against Brett Kavanaugh. There are a number of things to say about all this, and I intend to say as many of them as I can get to, but the first and fundamental thing is this: If we didn’t really want to go to the circus, …
When Liberty Gets Leprosy: The Libertarian Lure
Introduction Since we are in between elections, and because public feelings are not running high at just this moment, I thought it would be safe to take a moment to discuss the libertarian temptation. And so let us begin by defining terms. I am a conservative, not a libertarian, but there is quite a bit …
Appropriate This
So let me explain it to you once again, one more time. If a white girl wears a Chinese dress to the prom, she is guilty of “appropriation.” If another girl wears hoop earrings, she is also guilty of “appropriation,” but now in a different direction. If a fraternity hosts a Mexican dinner and the …
A Primer on the Fourth of July
What is celebrated on the Fourth of July? Two things. The formal reason for our celebration is the establishment of our nation in the Declaration of Independence, coupled with the successful completion of the war, coupled in turn with the adoption of our Constitution, which secured that independence. The second reason has to do with …
What Professionals Call a Supreme Court Nomination Rannygazoo
So Anthony Kennedy is retiring from the Supreme Court at the end of July. This news was received with something like melting-face-consternation by the denizens of the Left, who have been pretty unhappy with Trump so far as it is. And by “pretty unhappy” I mean levels of anguish usually reserved for those highly refined …
Bueller? Bueller? Mueller?
So let us begin with what the president tweeted on Sunday. “I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes—and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!” …