How the Queen of Sheba Crossed the Border

Introduction: One of the most striking things about our current immigration debate is that it is not about immigration at all. The whole thing is classic misdirection. We are looking at the wrong things, we are measuring the wrong things, we are yelling about the wrong things, and we are building a wall around the …

Hollow Soul Bullets

The aftermath of the most recent school shooting in Florida is playing out very much like the aftermath of many of the previous school shootings. Some urge us to a period of respectful silence, saying that debating gun control issues is not fitting while the grief is still a hot ache. Others say that if …

Peasants, Pitchforks, and Pink Panthers

Trump and conservatism

Introduction: The linked article here is of considerable interest, and I so recommend a careful reading of it to you. The article concerns the decline of the trained gatekeepers, and the rise of an untutored hoi polloi who do things like promote celebrity evangelicaladies like Jen Hatmaker on the one hand, and elect Donald Trump …