Trump, Kavanaugh, Kanye, Pence, Bahnsen, Sasse, and a Few Random White Guys

So over the weekend I tweeted out a link to David Bahnsen’s recent article about “the Kavanaugh-hearing as opening salvo” for a lot more of the same, which I thought an appropriate and solemn reminder for us all. And if you go to read it, I would remind you that Bahnsen was not arguing for …

Kavanaugh, Social Justice, and #MeToo

An alternative title for this post could have been “Justice is Never Wholesale.” Justice is always particular, having to do with individuals and their situations. You can never buy justice in bulk at CostCo. At the general level, there can be just laws, but if you apply those laws woodenly and indiscriminately across the board, …

An Intergalactic Freak Show

Introduction: It has been shrewdly observed that there are really only two political parties in Washington—the Evil Party and the Stupid Party. And every once in a while we are permitted to be the gobsmacked spectators of some fresh exercise in bipartisanship, which usually entails the leaders of both parties at a press conference, hand-in-hand, …

Their Blood Sacrament

Of course everyone recognizes that the battle over the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh is a battle—all understand that there is a fight going on. And more than a few understand that the battle is over Roe. But this understanding is greater on the side of the secularists, their understanding is much more pronounced. Many Christians—bless …

The Man with the Quivering Red Laser Dot on His Chest

Introduction: So let us discuss the recent charges leveled against Brett Kavanaugh. There are a number of things to say about all this, and I intend to say as many of them as I can get to, but the first and fundamental thing is this: If we didn’t really want to go to the circus, …

When Liberty Gets Leprosy: The Libertarian Lure

Introduction Since we are in between elections, and because public feelings are not running high at just this moment, I thought it would be safe to take a moment to discuss the libertarian temptation. And so let us begin by defining terms. I am a conservative, not a libertarian, but there is quite a bit …