“Women are beautiful, and men are necessary. It has been the great victory of the feminist movement to make women unlovely by persuading them that men are not needed” (Anthony Esolen, in Touchstone, December 2006, p. 5).
How Could It Not?
Just a few things to say about the Ted Haggard mess. For some important background, please check out these posts (here and here) from the Bayly brothers. There are two important points to take away from this most recent evangelical moral disaster. The first is that this was certainly hypocrisy, but it was not the …
Three Cheers
I recently saw part of a commercial for the “Girls Gone Wild” videos, in which some nubile young idiots were enticed — by the presence of cameras (the device that may not be denied), and by the beckoning promise of fleeting immortality — to flash everybody. These poor souls did not know that they had …
The Politics of Sodomy
Let us begin by addressing the real sin of Sodom. But what could possibly be meant by “the real sin of Sodom?” Isn’t it obvious? The sin of homosexual behavior draws its name from Sodom. What could be more obvious? And given the corruption of the times, shouldn’t we be suspicious of any attempt to …
An Apology for Feminine Modesty
The sin of immodesty is not a light matter. Nor is it a problem that can be isolated to this or that individual. We are God’s covenant people, and we worship Him together. We live together. Modesty in Christian women is therefore a very obvious indicator of whether or not a Christian people understand who …
The Savior Is Not From Boise
As homosexual marriage is gaining acceptance (in some places), we discover that polygamists are hard on the heels of the homosexual activists. Those who are interested in clear-sighted statement of the implications should read Charles Krauthammer here. There is absolutely no basis for jettisoning the conventional notion that marriage needs to be between members of …
All About Sex
Brian McLaren recently posted some comments on, you guessed it, homosexuality, and, as might be expected, he was strong on the need to be what he was pleased to call “pastoral,” and weak on what was known, in another day and time, as “biblical.” He was asked by a young couple what his church’s position …
Rushdoony on Porn
Back in the eighties I read through a small hill of Rushdoony’s books, profiting greatly from many of them. One that I was never able to get my hands on was his The Politics of Pornography. But it has just been released again by Ross House Books under the new title Noble Savages. The folks …
Reductio Ad Infernum
One of the standard observations made against the so-called legitimization of homosexual “marriages” in our country is that once you throw the biblical standard of marriage out (one man, one woman, ideally one time), you have not just opened the door for homosexual unions, but also for every other kind of union the troubled gonads …
Execution of Homosexuals?
I recently received a letter from a lady on the other side of Moscow’s own little version of the national cultural divide. We had been scheduled to meet, and she was writing to cancel that meeting. According to the letter, the thing that concerned her was something that had to be addressed (by me) before …