Introduction: As we contemplate the melee that is the Reformed evangelical world today, it is very easy for the folks in the stands to get a little bewildered. As the saying goes, you can’t tell the players without a scorecard, and the different numbers on the jerseys really helps. And if ever there were a …
Russell Moore and Some Basic Baptist Baseball
Introduction: I am familiar with the broad outlines of what is occurring in the Southern Baptist Convention, but that is it—the broad outlines. I don't know a whole lot beyond that. I ...
Disorderly Wives
Introduction: One of the challenges that comes with getting married is that, barring any high crimes, it is a vocation that comes with tenure. This is why it is so important for courting couples to ...
Unless God Thinks You Wronged Her
Introduction: Try to ignore the steely-eyed and thoughtful gaze. I just look that way occasionally, and can’t help it. So just about a week ago, the guys at Canon Press took a snippet of mine from the “Sin of Empathy” episode of Man Rampant, put it into a meme, and posted it on Facebook. They …
A Gallimaufry of Random Observations
Inspired by the spirit of our times, I have decided to throw together a gallimaufry of random observations. A salmagundi of insights, as it were, or an Eton mess of ironic inversions, a mélange of right wing virtue signaling, a potpourri of punditry. And see how you like it. This is the sort of moment …
Religious Liberty, Blasphemy, and a Forthcoming Movie
Introduction: One of the things that is fueling our current cultural turmoil is our failure to agree on what constitutes blasphemy. We have gotten to the point where everyone is reacting to ...
Make Hate Speech Great Again
Introduction: Charles Spurgeon once said that when God begins to work, it always looks more like an undoing than a doing. And this is why I have decided to try cheering everybody up with a little cultural ...
Singleness as Affliction
Introduction: For various reasons and by various means, the teaching that singleness "is a gift" has got about in the Christian church. Like many other things that have got about, like your teen-aged ...
Women’s Ministries as Pestilence
Introduction: When it comes to sexual role relationships in the church today, we are so far gone that if we all got back to the status of “severely compromised,” more than a few people would call it a great reformation. One of our issues is the result of our gradual dismissal of biblically-assigned roles for …
Pornography for Cuckolds
Introduction: Christians across the board know that pornography is a problem. The only Christians who don't know this are that special class of Christians called non-Christians. They are the ones who ...