Kevin DeYoung and the Taxonomy of Conflict

Introduction: As we contemplate the melee that is the Reformed evangelical world today, it is very easy for the folks in the stands to get a little bewildered. As the saying goes, you can’t tell the players without a scorecard, and the different numbers on the jerseys really helps. And if ever there were a …

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Unless God Thinks You Wronged Her

Introduction: Try to ignore the steely-eyed and thoughtful gaze. I just look that way occasionally, and can’t help it. So just about a week ago, the guys at Canon Press took a snippet of mine from the “Sin of Empathy” episode of Man Rampant, put it into a meme, and posted it on Facebook. They …

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A Gallimaufry of Random Observations

Inspired by the spirit of our times, I have decided to throw together a gallimaufry of random observations. A salmagundi of insights, as it were, or an Eton mess of ironic inversions, a mélange of right wing virtue signaling, a potpourri of punditry. And see how you like it. This is the sort of moment …

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Women’s Ministries as Pestilence

Introduction: When it comes to sexual role relationships in the church today, we are so far gone that if we all got back to the status of “severely compromised,” more than a few people would call it a great reformation. One of our issues is the result of our gradual dismissal of biblically-assigned roles for …