Introduction: One of the things I have noticed about Christian parents is that they can be on hyper-alert about keeping certain forms of corruption out of their homes, but clueless or carefree about ...
On Getting Your Grove Back
Introduction: I said that I was going to follow up on the Grove City story, and so here I am, following up on it. Some people talk about keeping their word; others just go ahead and keep their word. ...
Not the Same Thing at All
Dear Dawson, I am glad that I appear to be getting at the crux of your questions. What I want to do in this letter is discuss equity and equality, and how we are to understand those words when it comes ...
Theology Among the Deplorables
Preamble: That moment when you hear Rolling Stone wants to do a human interest story on the women of the CREC . . . When engaging with a subject like this one, I usually feel positively invited to limber up my keyboarding digits, and to then give way to some jolliment. But at the same …
Like a Tabloid Tarantula
Introduction: "Let heads of those who hem me inBe overwhelmed by their own lies . . ." Psalm 140, Cantus Christi An adage is a phrase that contains ...
The Gay Pulpit
These are the notes from my presentation at the Fight Laugh Feast conference, Lebanon, Tennessee, 2021. Introduction: I came all the way from Idaho to middle Tennessee because I have something ...
On Digging Up Some Old Bones
Introduction: I would draw your attention to the screenshot I have included along with this post. I have placed it here for a number of reasons, which I will outline in a helpful fashion below. Let ...
Galadriel and the Chimp
Introduction: Like many obviously correct religious phrases, the soothing and very centered one about being gospel-centered, or Christ-centered, or Bible-centered is obviously correct. But ...
Beware of Peru Rising!
Introduction: Suppose we were defending a city, and you and I and two other guys were sentries on the wall. You, of course, are a most reasonable fellow, as am I, so that's all good. But unbeknownst ...
20% of a Wave
Introduction: Allow me to write, if I may, a little bit about some of the doings in our little town. This is my artistic interpretation of this irony-ridden event. It may not be evident from this work, just a sketch really, but I once took some courses from the Juilliard School of Cartooning Arts and …