If the Bible teaches, as it does, that the woman is the glory of the man, what follows from this? Among others things, we find an answer to one of the central challenges of our culture wars — by which I mean the cultural infantilism of homosexual marriage. “the woman is the glory of the …
When the Enemy of Your Enemy is the Devil
Conservative Christian activist, what is missing from GOProd? U are! And there is a reason for that. Recent months have seen a significant shift on the right, as the conservative organization CPAC invited the right wing homosexual group GOProd to participate in its annual parade of candidates and the near future’s erstwhile candidates. We shouldn’t …
Eh? Blotcher Bulldo?
The miscreants and felons that we have appointed to interpret our Constitution for us have managed, over the years, to stretch the commerce clause to a point where only theoretical physicists can understand quite how they did it. A farmer who raises his very own grain to feed to his very own cattle, the manure …
Right in the Juicy Spot
IVP has released a new title, called The End of Sexual Identity: Why Sex Is Too Important to Define Who We Are (HT: Baylyblog). Reading how they have described it themselves was like playing ping pong with your junior high friends, and one of them hits the ball about five feet above the table, exactly …
Full of Surprises
Not having said anything about the monkeyshines of the erstwhile CO, Captain Honors, of the U.S.S. Enterprise, allow me to do so now. Since the videos that cost him his command were a few years old, the first thing that occurs to me is that he was probably done in by some competitor. We can …
A Hunka Hunka Burning Love
Here is yet another reason why I am glad the word risible is still around. Is the evangelical church on the verge of a “gay awakening? Jay Bakker, son of Jim Bakker and Tammy Faye, and now a pastor in a Brooklyn nightclub, thinks so. Lest anyone laugh at his dismissal of what he calls …
And Biscuits in the Oven
Frances Fox Piven has now told us that the Tea Party is all about sex, and I would like to be the first conservative to rise in an oblique defense of her crazy point. She says that the teapartiers grew up in an America when there was a steeple in every quaint little town, and …
Priests With Spears
It has been 35 years now, and when Nancy and I were first together we decided that if we had anything to work through, we would do it together. We determined that we would not ever share any problem with outsiders unless it was by mutual consent, and it was for the purpose of getting …
The Reformed Card and Gift Shop
So the sexual socialists found a few craven Republicans and jammed a sea change bit of legislation, the repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” through a lame duck Congress. Instead of the president having to leave town in humiliation over the high-handed antics of a discredited Congress, this, and a few other passed and signed …
How Social Policing Works
The antithesis is foundational to any right understanding of social order. From the beginning of our history, God has placed antipathy between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent (Gen. 3:15). The human race is divided into two races, those who love holiness and those who do not. The former are …