Jim Wallis of Sojourners magazine, a leftist evangelical outfit, got into a bit of a spot when the magazine declined to take an ad designed to help churches and clergy become more gay affirming. The pickle is described here, and Wallis explains himself here. The explanation offered by Wallis is a verbal attempt to build …
A Waffle Way Too Big for the Plates at IHOP
The Bayly brothers have helpfully provided a portion of a transcript in which Tim Keller is being interviewed, and is asked about what the church’s approach to homosexuality should be. Presented with this golden opportunity, I am afraid that Keller whiffed it. He says that a truly biblical response is not to be found among …
Networked Cowardice and Corruption
Zondervan is releasing a new edition of the Bible, and what else is new? But as we keep making advances in semiotic contextualizations, we have now learned how to make the Bible even more accessible to middle America, which is of course where all the Bible buyers are. Take, for example, this problem passage: “The …
Grim and Deadly
Some people see the whole chessboard, and some people don’t. Some people want to know what would be so unChristian about moving that pawn right there to that other spot, while others understand what the Scriptures teach (authoritatively) about the whole game. InterVarsity is in the middle of capitulating on the issue of sodomy, which …
Understanding Bad Words
Here are the notes for a talk to the NSA student body . . . “Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you” …
Like Scarsdale
A denial of Hell is the very apex of short term thinking. Living your life here and now as though eternity matters is the epitome of long term thinking. And once these fundamental “mentalities” have set in, it is not long before you start to see other manifestations of them. Deferred gratification is essential to …
Mars Hell
Martin Luther once said that God reveals Himself in the contrary. Love is revealed in a man, contorted with pain on a cross. And an inability to understand how this can work is what creates problems for those who can find someone like Rob Bell compelling. Justin Taylor has a good summary of some of …
A Palin Critique
Given the trajectory of events, it looks to me as though Sarah Palin is going to be a significant player in the coming year, leading up to the 2012 presidential elections. I am not saying she is going to run, and I am not saying that she would get the nomination/presidency if she did run …
Edits on Birth Control
Quite a few of you read Eleven Theses on Birth Control. This is to let you know I made some significant edits to points 4 and 5. Here.
Eleven Theses on Birth Control
Update: There are some significant edits to #4-5. Just so you know. Yesterday a friend called to chide me (in a friendly way) for the way in which I have not come down definitively on the question of birth control. My reason for this has been that when it comes to families and the size …