Dear Darla, In my last letter I talked about the surreptitious competition that women tend to engage in, as opposed to the “out in the open” competition that is preferred by men. Men tend to compete ...
On Not Being Catty About It
Dear Darla, I told you in my last letter that guys are pretty straightforward. This is not to say that there are no complicated men, for there are, but taking one thing with another, guys are less complex than women. It can take a women some adjusting to get used to this, because underneath each …
Understanding Guys
Dear Darla, In order to interact with guys generally, in order to date one of them, and in order to marry one, it is highly recommended that you have some understanding of what you are getting into. ...
On Guarding Your Heart
Dear Darla, So I think the next issue I would like to cover, if you would be so kind as to keep on reading, is the importance of guarding your heart. That is simple enough to say, but actually doing ...
So They Seem to be Getting Their Grove Back
Introduction: As you no doubt remember, I have written previously about the worrisome inroads that the woke disease had been making at Grove City College. There was something of an uproar about it at the time, and so if you missed that, you can look at my previous contributions here and here and just follow …
The Fraught Topic of Modesty
Dear Darla, So here is a topic we should get out of the way early on. It has become, I am afraid, an inflammatory topic in our culture more broadly, and this despite being one that ought to ...
Wailing for Tammuz at Wheaton
Introduction: You only need to watch the first fifteen minutes or so of the embedded video below in order to see that all is not well at Wheaton. Everything about this dialog between Wesley ...
And At Least Six With Chubby Cheeks
Dear Darla, Thank you for writing—it was quite pleasant surprise to hear from you. So your cousin Dawson told you about our correspondence, did he? And you thought it would be festive to get some ...
A Controversy Ended
Some of you may have seen that Natalie Greenfield (Ængel Rose) has made a public statement about the controversy between us, in which she states that she has sought my forgiveness, and that I have extended it. Her full statement can be found here. This post is simply to acknowledge what she has said, and …
Male Chauvinism as Feminism in Full Bloom
Introduction: When you make a significant blunder early on, the fact that you have done so can often be hidden from yourself. Your measurement was half an inch off at the bottom, and it wasn't until ...