Introduction: One of the things that radical feminists got right, and which doe-eyed romantics got wrong, is the fact that sex within marriage is manifestly an economic institution. But they then went on to wreck this insight by saying that this made marriage a glorified form of prostitution, when they should actually have made the …
Telos and Tactics
On the issues surrounding pro-life legislation, last year I wrote a series of posts on what I called “smashmouth incrementalism.” You can refresh your memory (if you like) here, here, here, here and, naturally, here. The issue resurfaced in the last few weeks in various places, most notably through the firing of Kevin Williamson from …
New Title: Letters on Homosexual Desire
As regular readers know, a short while ago I published here a series of (fictional) letters to a young Christian who had a homosexual past, and who was wanting to know how to deal with his temptations. That set of letters has just been added to the Mablog shop, available in EPub, Mobi, and PDF. …
My Little Tin Bucket
I wanted to write a quick something about the Kevin Williamson uproar, and then, Lord willing, write something later about the complicated nature of abortion laws and penology. Maybe Monday for that. When I write on Monday, I will be standing there, as per usual, my little tin bucket filled to overflowing with qualification and …
Introduction: I would like you to imagine, if you will, a tall woman with raven black hair, a full, sensuous mouth, a glint in her eyes, an over-topped bustier, a short skirt, and thigh-high leather boots with heels and lawn tops, and I desire that you would also imagine that this woman has just written …
Dalrockian and Disoriented
Last week, Dalrock took a few shots at my teaching on sex and marriage, indicating that I am well on the way toward feminism. You can take a gander here and here. “From what I can tell, Wilson is over a decade ahead of the complementarian curve in this regard. So far, this idea seems to …
Woke Sisters
One of the more important things my father taught me was always to act, “never react.” Now because we are creatures, we must react at some level, most notably in simple obedience to God and His Word. We are not autonomous beings, but rather creatures who are responsible to respond in appropriate ways. But if …
Moses and the Modern World
Last September I posted a piece called “The Death Penalty as Our Only Hope.” As a result of that I got into a brief Facebook exchange with Joel McDurmon on some of the issues involved. As it happens we are planning to continue that discussion this afternoon on Iron Sharpens Iron. In the spirit of …
Complicity and the Christ
“Rage is the salient characteristic of Satan and of the satanic in men. There are others, including guile, deceit, and temptation. But at the heart of Satan’s mission is an overwhelming animus against God and the godly” (Walsh, The Devil’s Pleasure Palace, p. 17). Introduction: We must choose, in the final analysis, between the rage …
Complicity and Crucifixion
Introduction: In the aftermath of Monday’s post on Rachael Denhollander, when my Twitter feed filled up with the customary vitriol, I thought that two things really had to be done. The first is that we need to explain and understand the depth of this animus, which can only be accounted for in terms of complicity, …