The Economics of Sexual Purity

Introduction: One of the things that radical feminists got right, and which doe-eyed romantics got wrong, is the fact that sex within marriage is manifestly an economic institution. But they then went on to wreck this insight by saying that this made marriage a glorified form of prostitution, when they should actually have made the …

Telos and Tactics

On the issues surrounding pro-life legislation, last year I wrote a series of posts on what I called “smashmouth incrementalism.” You can refresh your memory (if you like) here, here, here, here and, naturally, here. The issue resurfaced in the last few weeks in various places, most notably through the firing of Kevin Williamson from …

New Title: Letters on Homosexual Desire

As regular readers know, a short while ago I published here a series of (fictional) letters to a young Christian who had a homosexual past, and who was wanting to know how to deal with his temptations. That set of letters has just been added to the Mablog shop, available in EPub, Mobi, and PDF. …

My Little Tin Bucket

I wanted to write a quick something about the Kevin Williamson uproar, and then, Lord willing, write something later about the complicated nature of abortion laws and penology. Maybe Monday for that. When I write on Monday, I will be standing there, as per usual, my little tin bucket filled to overflowing with qualification and …

Complicity and the Christ

“Rage is the salient characteristic of Satan and of the satanic in men. There are others, including guile, deceit, and temptation. But at the heart of Satan’s mission is an overwhelming animus against God and the godly” (Walsh, The Devil’s Pleasure Palace, p. 17). Introduction: We must choose, in the final analysis, between the rage …