We have gathered here in order to witness a solemn exchange of vows. This is because a wedding ceremony is a ceremony that is structured around a mutually binding oath. This is fully scriptural—the Bible describes marriage as a covenant, and covenants are formed and ratified by vows. In Prov. 2:17, the faithless wife who …
Joseph and Rebecca
Because this wedding ceremony is using the form found in the Book of Common Prayer, in just a few moments—at the exchange of the rings—a phrase will be used that requires some explanation. That phrase is “with my body I thee worship.” Historically, the phrase is what distinguished a free wife from a concubine. A …
Doug and Maggie
The greatest philosophical question that mankind has come up with on his own is this one: “Why is there something, rather than nothing at all?” And the Christian answer to this question is that the living and true God, out of His grace and good pleasure, determined to create everything that is, which includes all …
Caleb and Mallory
The word I want to emphasize at this wedding is the word heritage. We have the privilege today of witnessing, not only the wedding of two individuals in Christ, but also the wedding of two distinct, but very complementary, heritages. I want to talk about the unique blessings that we are praying that God will …
Tyson and Laura
The whole earth is full of God’s glory. The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness of it. Everything that exists was created by Him, and so it is that everything declares the weight of His glory. No matter how small—whether a tiny rock flower, or a sub-atomic particle, or a grain of sand—every discrete …
Sam and Grace
In the course of His ministry on earth, the Lord Jesus taught us that we were to learn how to accept kingdom disruptions. We are supposed to learn how to rejoice at the arrival of kingdom inversions. Jesus taught that the way to become great in the kingdom was by becoming least in the kingdom. …
Christopher and Elizabeth
We are here to witness the formation of a new marriage, a new household. But what is the nature of this institution? It is a question worth asking, because whenever we take anything for granted, it is easy to become unable to defend it when questioned, no matter how valuable it might be. Because we …
Daniel and Amanda
We live in a time of great confusion when it comes to the subject of marriage, the nature of marriage, the definition of marriage. As the people of God, since we seem to be attending weddings a lot, and because a biblical understanding of marriage is under assault in our generation, we should take these …
Gresham and Emily
Christian weddings and marriages are a canvas upon which the Holy Spirit of God paints the gospel. Now we know that He loves to paint the gospel in many ways, and in many places—preeminently in the proclamation of the Word on the Lord’s Day, as well as in the two sacraments that He has bequeathed …
Jon and Jamie
You are all here in response to a wedding invitation . . . well, I trust that you are all here in response to a wedding invitation. Now one of the striking things about wedding invitations, whether in the Bible or in our own experience, is that they are invariably received as good news. Times …