In Scripture we are taught to be imitators of God, as dearly loved children (Eph. 5:1). As Christians who accept the Bible as God’s authoritative voice in our lives, this immediately presents us with several kinds of problems. Theologians distinguish two different kinds of divine attributes, which they call communicable and incommunicable. God is love, …
Dane and Chantelle
In one way, it is very easy to have a Christian wedding, and to establish a Christian marriage. What you need to do is obtain a Christian church for the ceremony, make sure the service has a Christian liturgy, and is formally done in the name of Jesus, get a Christian minister to officiate, and …
Luke and Elizabeth
We cannot think about marriage rightly unless we learn to think about aesthetics rightly. Aesthetics is the study of beauty—what is it that makes something lovely? The elements are many, and include things like simplicity, balance, form, and so on. God has fashioned the world in such a way as to please us, and He …
Ben and Alex
Everyone seems to know that a marriage should look like love, but what does love look like? As with everything that is valuable and precious, there are many counterfeits and knock-offs. No one counterfeits worthless things, but they do want to copy things of great value. This is why there are things like paste diamonds, …
Ian and Lydia
In Christian circles we are very accustomed to the word grace. The word refers simply to the unmerited favor of God, but we need to be careful here. We sometimes confound the difference between unmerited favor and demerited favor. When Adam was first given the gift of life, when he was established in the garden, …
Jed and Sophie
One of the things we know about God from Scripture is that He is the consummate matchmaker. He created the very idea of matches in the Garden when He established marriage. He gave life to Adam, and then gave a wife to Adam. He made the whole enterprise possible, in other words. And the Lord …
Evan and Joy
As both scientists and poets have noted, men and women are completely different. At the same time, they are clearly created by God to be one. As a violin and bow are one instrument, or a lock and key one mechanism, so also a bride and groom are one. God made them to be one, …
Caleb and Jacqueline
We know that God is the Creator of all things, but we should also pay closer attention to His methods, the way in which He creates. One of the things we can see in Genesis is that He delights to create in the first instance, and then He loves to take a second pass. And …
Joshua and Julia
Everyone who has ever wanted to grapple with the reality of the human condition has needed to deal with two profound realities. The first is the nature of the Divine personality, what the triune God revealed in Scripture is actually like. The second is the reality and depth of the human apostasy and fall, with …
James and Elizabeth
We live in a world governed by glorious rotations and cycles. The earth spins, the moon revolves around the earth, and the earth revolves around the sun. Not only is this so, but the complexity is only beginning. Because the sun is also moving, the motion of the planets travels with it, and the whole …