God is very kind to us all, and His gospel of grace is presented to us in any number of ways. But there are three methods of gospel presentation which are very common according to Scripture. Remember that the word gospel translates a word which in Greek simply means “good news.” But we need to …
Ethan and Louisa
On a couple’s wedding day, everything is wonderful, and this is just as it should be. The future really is bright, and among all earthly blessings and goods, marriage ranks with the best. But at the ...
Benjamin and Hannah
Good and godly marriages are made out of the raw material of good and godly Christians. Marriage can be a great help in our sanctification, but it is not the foundation of our sanctification. Another ...
Simeon and Macey
Our God is a God of abundance, and we need to be clear about this. This is not something that He has, but rather something that He is. He did not create the world, or us as a people to inhabit the world, because He was lonely. He was not in any way filling up …
Nate and Lindsey
According to the prayer book, there are various scriptural reasons why God instituted marriage among the children of men. God gave us marriage to help fend off and forestall sexual sin, and He also gave us marriage in order that He might obtain a godly seed, as Malachi puts it (Mal. 2:15). But the third …
Josiah and Noelle
The Scripture plainly teaches that woman is the glory of man, and in a similar way, so also one of the glories of the Christian faith has been the way in which we have embraced this truth, and established it as one of our glories. It is a simple historical fact that as the Christian …
Jacob and Whitney
Human history begins with a wedding. God fashioned Adam from the dust of the ground, and set him to work. His first assigned task was to tend and keep the Garden (Gen. 2:15). His second assigned task was to name all the animals, looking to see if among them there might be a suitable helper …
Zach and Isabel
At the end of the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord Jesus gives us an illustration of two houses—one built securely on a rock, and the other built on sand. From a distance, there was no real way to tell the essential difference between the two houses. In fact, we could easily imagine the house …
Paul and Tamar
We have all had the experience of buying an appliance that we thought we understood, but then when we couldn’t get to work, we found that we had to finally, somewhat sheepishly, resort to the manual. ...
Nathan and Elli
We live in egalitarian times, which means that there is a culture-wide antipathy toward any kind of authority. We are more deferential than we ought to be when it comes to raw power, or to grotesque manipulation, but we chafe at the very idea of authority. We don’t mind being played, but we do mind …