Back in the eighties, the debate over theonomy and Christian Reconstruction was a “thing.” It is still a thing, and in proof of what I say I offer the evidence that virtually no one thinks so. The day of common sense shared assumption is clean over. We live in a day when decent folks can …
Book of the Month/March 2016
I have read another book by Andrew Pettegree — Reformation and the Culture of Persuasion — which I really enjoyed, and I enjoyed this one even more. Brand Luther is well-researched, scholarly, detailed . . . and an easy read. Think of it as a mash-up of history and biography written from the vantage of …
Book of the Month/February 2016
Tim Bayly recommended this book to me a few years ago, and so I promptly bought it. It takes very little to get me to buy a book. But since that time I have been nibbling on the book and just now finished it. The book is a delightful read, full of the kind of …
Canon Press Review
After a thorough review of the incident, Canon Press has released a report on The Justice Primer. If you are interested, you can read that report here.
Book of the Month/January 2016
Since this is the time for New Year’s Resolutions and because, if you order this book on Kindle, you can have it today, and because it is an outstanding book, the book of the month selection for January 2016 is Do More Better by Tim Challies. The book really is practical and helpful. Productivity guru …
Book of the Month/December 2015
If you were to try to sum up the significant contributions of Anglican theologian Richard Hooker in the words of a Broadway musical, you could do no better than to point to the lyrics of Gershwin’s It Ain’t Necessarily So — referring of course to the chorus and not the verses. Now I am not …
Book of the Month/November 2015
I regularly get books sent to me in the mail, and lots of them look good to me. That means that I am glad I now own them, and look forward to the time when I might read them. But occasionally a book is sent to me that I just have to read right away. …
Book of the Month/October 2015
I had the privilege a few weeks ago of speaking together with Anthony Esolen at the Illinois Family Institute. His talk was fantastic — he has the kind of subtlety that is vigorous, lively, understandable, and brave. He is not like that scribesnpharisees seminar prof doing nuance to beat the band, watching his own hand …
Book of the Month/September 2015
The Biggest Story is a Bible survey, a biblical/theological/historical/redemptive review of the great theme of Scripture, and all done for little kids. Written for kids, it treats the great realities represented by those words, but without using any of those words. It is the biggest story, but without the biggest words. The subtitle is “How …
Book of the Month/August
This is a book that needs to be carefully read by every pastor and Christian leader. We live in a time that cries out for careful definitions for just about everything, and this book supplies us with a careful definition of marriage. It does so in the realm of common grace. In other words, the …