I was privileged to contribute three of the devotionals in this book of 30 devotionals for married couples. Other contributors include Francis Chan, John Piper, David Mathis, and more. It is published by Desiring God, and they are currently running a Valentine Day special on it. All this being the case, why wouldn’t you head …
Book of the Month/February 2017
I am going to be praising this book highly, so let me get just a couple of criticisms out of the way at the very front. This book is a “reimagining” of the apostle Paul, one that defends him from some very common modern misunderstandings. It undertakes this task on the basis of a very …
Book of the Month/January 2017
Testimonies are powerful. The apostle Paul gives his testimony in the book of Acts more than once, and he did so to great effect. The center of New Testament-style evangelism is found in the two-fold ministry of preaching and testimony. How will they hear without a preacher (Rom. 10:14)? And the one who believes has …
Book of the Month/December 2016
Most of the books I select for my “book of the month” pick are not titles from Canon Press. Now I know that I have lost my treasure in Heaven even for mentioning this, but I still thought it should be pointed out. It is also the case that I don’t generally pick books written …
Book of the Month: November 2016
Joe Sobran was the pithiest of writers. If you doubt me, just consider the title for one of his small works—“Anything Called a Program is Unconstitutional.” Over the years, I have profited greatly from his writing. A few years after his untimely death in 2010, I was pleased to see that some friends of his …
Book of the Month/October 2016
The Unseen Realm is a true resource, but it is the kind of resource that you are likely to read clean through, and then read through some other time, and then keep it nearby in order to refresh your memory on this or that. Too many contemporary Christians are modernists when it comes to their …
Book of the Month/September 2016
This is a very encouraging little book, pointing to two words that function as the hinge of all gospel living. There is a problem, a dilemma, a crisis, a trouble, and God’s people are up against it. This happens time and again in the Scriptures. And the next two words are but God . . …
Book of the Month: August 2016
In 2001, Tom Reilly published a book called Honourable Enemy, which sought to vindicate Oliver Cromwell from the charges of war crimes against the civilian population of Ireland during his campaign there in 1649. The principal accusations come from his siege and capture of the cities of Drogheda and Wexford. That book set up a …
Book of the Month: July 2016
I have confessed on previous occasions that I like to read dictionaries, chipping away at them a page or two at a go. I also like to do the same thing with collections of anecdotes, and as it turns out that I have just finished one. The plotting is terrible, and it is hard to …
Book of the Month: June 2016
My selection for this month’s book of the month is David Garrison’s A Wind in the House of Islam. Meticulously researched, this book provides necessary background information for Christians who want to understand anything Muslim-related in the modern world. Whether we are talking about world mission, terrorism, or immigration, or America’s drone warfare in Muslim …