This is an important book for a number of reasons. The first is the timing — and it is almost as though a higher power were at work. In this book, Charles Jackson gives a fresh historical overview of the work of Alexander Henderson, one of the stalwarts among the Scottish Covenanters. There was a …
Book of the Month/June 2015
I bought this book, By the People, on the strength of the subtitle, which was “Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission.” Having read it, I want to tell you some of the wonderful things about it, and then talk about a face plant that Murray accomplishes in the last few pages. That face plant is a function …
Book of the Month/May 2015
A Small Cup of Light: A Drink in the Desert by Ben Palpant My rating: 5 of 5 stars This is simply a superb book. It is beautifully written, theologically rigorous, elegantly typeset, and carefully designed. Every page was easy to look at and equally easy to turn. This is book for anyone dealing with …
Who’s on First?
Title: Who's on First? Series: A Blackford Oakes Mystery Author: William F. Buckley, Jr. Genre: Spy thriller Publisher: Cumberland House Release Date: 1980 Format: Paperback Pages: 259 Good. Fun read. I read it first in 1982. Read it again in 2015, but I didn’t think I was reading it again. I had actually forgotten I …
Book of the Month/April 2015
The mind of G.K. Chesterton was a field of corn. Not only was he a prolific source of thoughts, each one a stalk of corn, but each one of them contained hundreds of kernels, each of them capable of multiplying as well. He didn’t just write a lot — he was fruitful. He was at …
Book of the Month/March 2015
As it happens, three years ago this month I began posting a monthly book review of books that I wanted to promote, and the book I selected to kick off this feature was The World-Tilting Gospel by Dan Phillips. As it happens, on the three-year anniversary of this salutary custom, the book I have selected …
Book of the Month: February 2015
The choice for this month is Living Zealously by Joel Beeke and James La Belle. This is one of those rare books which, having finished, I think I am going to start over reading again. Lewis once said about courage that it was not so much a separate virtue as it was the testing point …
Our Last Christening
A year or so ago, I read through Marilynn Robinson’s novels, which was a treat for the most part. I read all of them except for Lila, but there I had the excellent excuse that it had not yet been released. But now it has been, so it comes to pass that I have now …
Book of the Month/January 2015
This month the book of the month is a brace of books. You should get them together, and read them both. Together they address the central political issue of our day, one that rests underneath whatever the turmoil of the moment might be. The doctrine of the lesser magistrates is one of our lost doctrines, …
Book of the Month/December 2014
Leif Enger’s other novel, Peace Like a River, was an earlier selection of mine for “book of the month,” a year ago today, in fact. And now comes his other novel So Brave, Young, and Handsome. Let me first say that I don’t really care for his titles. Peace Like a River is taken from …