“The car of the Revolution is barreling down the highway, and a few traditional-values conservatives have got a back door open and are trying to slow the thing down by dragging their feet on the pavement. It does not appear to be working” (Black and Tan, p. 20).
The Only Public Savior
“Given that Christ is our only possible Savior, how is it that Christians believe that Christ can be banished from our public life, while simultaneously believing that sin and disobedience can be kept out of our public life by some other means, some other savior? How can we reject Christ in this way and not …
Grape Juice in the Wineskin
“The new wine of the gospel will necessarily burst the Enlightenment wineskins. And yet, most contemporary Christians have turned their wine into grape juice in order to prevent the wineskins from coming to such an unhappy end” (Black and Tan, p. 20).
The Age of Revolution
“The nineteenth century was the century for revolutions, even if we allow for the French Revolution in the last decade of the eighteenth century and the Russian Revolution in the first decades of the twentieth. The War Between the States was our participation in those widespread global upheavals. The Revolution, generically considered, is an enemy …
Giving to Get, Getting to Give
“This process obviously begins as we seek God’s blessing by means of the tithe–‘Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine’ (Prov. 3:9-10). We have been trained to chant all together, ‘Oh, but …
What Sin Actually Is
“The reason we were attacked in our little controversy in Moscow was not because we would not condemn racism as a sin; we had done so repeatedly and clearly. The reason were were slandered in the way we were was simply because we refused to say that racism was a sin against the State or …
But Not A Paleo-Bonapartist
“But I have used the term paleo-Confederate anyway, for the honest reader will be honest enough to wonder what such a word could mean, and perhaps be curious enough to read a small essay on it. At the same time, it is important for me to emphasize that by using the term paleo-Confederate I do …
Copying Without Seeing
“We should make sure that we grant to unbelievers the dignity of explaining and demonstrating to us what it is they are doing. The widespread practice of body modification and multilation is a religious phenonenon of the first order of magnitude. Anyone who maintains otherwise is simply not listening. The irony is that the many …
As Bad As That?
“We were not trying to maintain that slavery in itself was a positive good, like food, air, or sunlight. Our central interest was in defending the integrity and applicability of the Scriptures to our current cultural controversies, and we affirmed that Christians who apologize for what the Bible teaches on slavery will soon be apologizing …
A Short List
“The study of history is largely a study of sinning, and usually the sinning is on a grand scale involving armies, navies, courtesans, synods, backstabbing, running for Congress, and more” (Black and Tan, p. 10).