“Men gather together in small groups in order to learn how to relate to one another on a more intimate level. In other words, they gather together to learn to relate to one another as women relate to each other. ‘Real’ masculinity is described as being sensitive, open, responsive, intimate, caring, and the rest of …
Letters After the Name
“Scholarship of all kinds — scientific, historical, grammatical, philosophical — partakes fully in the tendency of the human race to veer into sin and folly. Some of the dumbest ideas ever to afflict us have been embraced first in the academy and abandoned there last. Two examples should suffice — Marxism and evolution. Marxists think …
A Thin Disguise
“A man should teach his children the loveliness of pregnancy. Our generation has a pathological hatred of the womb, as evidenced by our abortion culture’s imbecility with regard to children. The alternative understanding should be set forth in Christian homes where a man honors his wife with child, her waiting breasts full of grace thinly …
Looking Left
“Humility is hard. In order to look back at the past, we have to (metaphorically) turn our backs on the future. This means, among other things, that the future can sneak up on us” (Black and Tan, p. 9).
Foundationless Respect
“When such attempts don’t work, which they haven’t, we careen off in another direction. So our egalitarian age is currently insisting, for some reason, that we now learn to respect ‘diversity,’ but it can give no coherent reason, given its relativistic premises, why we should do so. Without confidence in God’s creation design, we have …
Tamerlane the Swede
“At the same time, the fact that I am willing to teach on historical subjects [as a minister] does not mean that I somehow think I am infallible. I have been wrong on numerous points over the years — sometimes the mistake is mine, and sometimes a source leads me astray. The point of all …
Upside Down and Backwards
“Because one of the male strengths is simple-mindedness, men tend to evaluate all things according to the sort of criterion (fixed in their minds sometime in junior high) best illustrated by arm-wrestling contests or a footrace. Life is simple — stronger and faster is better. And because life is also a contest, everyone is measured …
The Center of History
“The resurrection of Christ defines history, and not the other way around. The central Christian confession–the Apostles’ Creed–is full of historical claims, and ministers are the appointed guardians of those claims. At any moment, a trained historian might come into the Garden and say, ‘Yea, hath God said?'” (Black and Tan, p. 2).
The Original Flame
“The duty of ongoing sexual relations is clearly presented by Paul when he says, “Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband” (1 Cor. 7:3). Modern liberated types enjoy sniffing at this, as though making sexual relations a duty somehow removes the romance, the …
Inescapable History
“But all preachers must also be historians in some sense, because we preach from the Bible, most of which is sacred history. The center of our faith is the resurrection of Jesus Christ, an event in history. When a professional historian sidles up to me and says that the event did not happen, it doesn’t …