“Jesus Christ has purchased men from every nation and tribe with His own blood, and His blood necessarily provides a stronger bond than ours does” (Black and Tan, p. 38).
The God in the Ceiling
“Another such god is the god of the republicans and an occasional renegade democrat — the god of civic religion and prayer breakfasts. This god would have been happily served by a pragmatic pagan like Cicero. This is the god to whom some want to offer prayer in the government schools. Such prayers would not …
What We Really Need
“Those liberals who are sincerely distressed at the increased coarsening of our public life need to be invited, as by an old time hedge preacher or hot-gospeler, to ‘come to Jesus.’ It is never enough to tell people simply to ‘be nice.’ They have no reason to, and they don’t want to. Men and women …
“In short, if the case for white supremacy had to be made (for some absurd reason), the people that would be picked to make that case would not be your rank and file white supremacist” (Black and Tan, p. 35).
The Gods of Gray and Off-White
“The gods of synthesis, the gods of gray and off-white, the gods which sidle up next to a man in order to whisper devotional encouragements to him, are altogether something else. These lords of compromise, these gods of soft counsel, are dangerous” (Federal Husband, p. 71).
From Darwin to Hitler
“This was a central characteristic of progressive thought in the nineteenth century and the first part of the twentieth. From Darwin, who provided the scientific rationale for such racism, to Margaret Sanger and her ‘human weeds,’ to George Bernard Shaw and the eugenics craze, to Hitler’s final solution, progressives have a lot to answer for. …
More Than Just Forgiveness
“John’s vision not only says that Christ’s blood is available to forgive all sinners from every part of the human race, but he also says that these individuals are more than forgiven — they are made kings and priests, and they shall reign on the earth. Enslaved blacks in the ante-bellum South who came to …
Creative Exegesis
“Clearly, women may not be elders or ministers of the word. No matter how much modern exegetes huff and puff, they cannot blow the verse down [1 Tim. 2: 11-15]” (Federal Husband, p. 64).
Women and Hierarchy
“In the hierarchical and biblical view, the relationship of women to men is first familial, and then as a consequence, a larger (and very complex) cultural and societal relationship between the sexes emerges. This means that wives are to submit to, and provide help to, their own husbands (and no one else). As a result …
Tigers Into Butter
“Because Ann Arbor was a liberalism-on-steroids kind of place, it was soon decided that our high school needed to have a town meeting of some sort, with students of representative races meeting on a panel, and we could all talk our way into racial harmony. For some reason, I was selected to be a white …