An American Drubbing

I have been addressing, from time to time, the tomfool notion of American exceptionalism. The central point I have made thus far is that the genuine exceptionalism displayed by the Founders consisted of the fact that they knew that Americans were not exceptional, which was exceptional. They built a form of government that sought to …

Reading List of Completed Books

As you peruse this list, please keep in mind that these books were read, and evaluated, over a period of many years. As my understanding of God’s Word (not to mention the world) has grown, the predictable result is that I would now evaluate many of these works differently — DW 2023: 1. The Man …

Prayer Breakfast Judeo Christians

So let me tell you about a fun thing. A few weeks ago, Garry Trudeau ran a few strips in Doonesbury sending up “The Family,” of C Street fame — a group of Washington insiders running a ministry to politicians. As a faithful Doonesbury reader unacquainted with whatever scandal he was referring to, I thought …