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Ride, Sally, Ride Review

I just thought you might enjoy this review of your newest novel, if you hadn’t already seen it

God bless, from Canada!


Laurel, yes, I had seen it. But thanks for the link.


I am once again saddened for our culture that seems to bend over backwards to lionize anyone, anyone at all, after their death. As if we are under some kind of obligation to virtue signal how “loving” and “nice” and “civil” we can be on the occasion of another’s demise? Meanwhile, a far more important and sinister consideration slips by unnoticed and unaddressed: RBG has now stood before the judge of all the earth, and she was found without excuse and no occasion to defend herself. She has now received the punishment due her for her wretched life.

And yes, her life was wretched. She devoted her entire life to tearing down and reversing everything God designed into the created order.

And I’m somehow obligated to “play nice” with that? I don’t think so. She was a detriment to this nation, and if anything, her wickedly depraved life should

a) cause all of us sober pause at her final outcome in eternity

b) motivate us all the more to warn others like her before they die

c) energize us to take this opportunity to do good in keeping with God’s law by doing everything we can (call politicians, write, vote) to get someone appointed with at least enough common grace to uphold conservative principles

These fawning “Christians” that are tripping over themselves to speak highly of her without highlighting the fundamental rebellion to which she devoted her entire life do a disservice to God.


Guymon, yes, I agree with everything you say. And there is a clear scriptural case for rejoicing when the enemies of God fall. It is, after all, an answer to prayer. At the same time, we want to make sure that we are not failing to understand what spirit we are of. “But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of” (Luke 9:55). Triumphant joy must never be allowed to turn into vindictive glee. I am, of course, addressing this to every believer, and am not assuming that you have fallen into this trap.

Ref: The RBG RPG in a Time of RTG

Even more important to remember is that some of them that we find on the left did not drift there at all, rather they were comfortably, and discernibly if we were paying close attention, ensconced left of center when they were nominated. Question we need to ask ourselves: Would a socially conservative woman be a woman positioned and willing to be selected for the SCOTUS?


John, yes. Some of our defections were visible early on, and the coyness that surrounded certain questions in the confirmation process made it difficult to address those troubling indicators. On your second questions, the indicators seem to be that there are at least some affirmative answers.

The Libertarian Thing

In regards to the article Four Questions for Christian Libertarians, I think your four questions get to the heart of the matter. Wrestling with questions #1 and #4 in particular ultimately lead me to reject Libertarianism.

Have you given much thought to the role that Fusionism has played in making Libertarianism a popular intellectual destination for young, conservative Christians? For the past 60 years or so we’ve tried to maintain strict Libertarian philosophy and rhetoric in economics, but also have socially conservative politics in every other area of life.

It seems to me that it’s impossible to maintain this tension for long. Either the way we think and talk about economics starts to bleed over into other areas of life or the way we think about social issues will start to undermine our market fundamentalism.


Mason, I think you have a point about the rhetoric of the thing. But I am a market libertarian and this is not a vacation from my social conservatism, but rather an application of it. I am against abortion because of the sixth commandment and against socialism because of the eighth.

More COVID Crazy

I am a teacher at a Classical Christian School who finds myself increasingly frustrated with the COVID measures currently in place on our campus. It is important to mention that we are operating on a waiver granted by the county and I assume (but I am not certain) that many of these protocols are in place as a means to satisfy the terms of our exemption. However, and herein lies my greatest frustration, I’m honestly struggling to see how they are consistent with our ethos. Here are some of the highlights:

-Students 4th-6th are required to mask up at all times (except when eating)

-No singing or chanting in the classroom (students must be outside, masked, and 6 feet apart)

– Our playground is partitioned off into quadrants and the students must remain with their own cohort at all times.

– No parents are allowed on campus. All faculty and students must check in with an app that tracks symptoms before being admitted into the school each morning. If students or faculty present any of the COVID symptoms throughout the day (including headaches, tummy aches, and the sniffles) they are immediately sent home and quarantined until they can obtain a negative test. In some cases, that means missing between 6-10 days of work.

I know that our founder and head of school is understandably concerned with the possibility of appearing on the five o’clock news because of an outbreak, but I still believe the protocols are, to say the least, extreme. Furthermore, they’ve contributed to an unnecessary and prevailing spirit of fear and anxiety on our campus. I don’t typically gravitate toward “rocking the boat” and I’ve very sincerely not wanted to contribute further to what has been an extremely stressful season for our leadership. Thus far, my gentle prodding aimed at implementing a more balanced approach has been met with indirect appeals to Romans 13 (i.e. We are bound by the state’s guidelines). I have great respect for our administration and I recognize that many of the decisions being made are nuanced, difficult, and well above my pay grade. However, I am disheartened by a response that is, in my estimation, fear-driven and inconsistent with our values. I love the mission and vision of our school and I am concerned that our current trajectory will lead to irreparable damage being done to all that we hold dear.

I am seeking your wisdom as to a biblical way to proceed. Frankly, part of me is ready to cut bait and head for greener pastures (we are in a blue state if that wasn’t already abundantly clear) but I also believe the mission of our school is worth fighting to preserve.

Please forgive my inability to be concise and thank you in advance.


Josh, I sympathize with your plight, but would say what I have said in other comparable situations. If the leadership of the school has been solid (and courageous) on other issues (like the woke stuff), then work with them as long as you can. At the same time, I think you are right to suspect that the damage to the school may be irreparable, and you may need to look for a new position at some point.

Way back long ago, at the beginning of corona-mania, a guy named Aaron Ginn posted a statistical analysis of available COVID data, and said, basically, that we had no reason to freak out about it.

Of course, immediately after that, everybody freaked out, his post was pulled down by Medium, and he was attacked by “experts,” including a guy named Carl Bergstrom, who posted a detailed takedown of Ginn’s analysis on Twitter.

You’ll probably remember all this because I think you posted a reference to ZeroHedge’s reposting of the whole donnybrook here:

Anyhoo, I bring this up because I was thinking, now that we have the experience of hindsight, wouldn’t it be interesting to review who was more right, the amateur or the “expert”? (Sorry, but I’ve gotten to where I can’t write the word “expert” any more without the sarcasm quotes.)

I don’t want this story to be forgotten, because I want everybody to remember that there were voices from the beginning saying “don’t freak out,” and those voices were silenced and ridiculed. And they were right.



Jason, yes, that would be worth resurrecting.

Divorce in the Church

I have been encountering people at the church that I just began pastoring (during the COVID lockdowns) who have been divorced, many of whom claim to have been a Christian before, during and after, both sides. And yet I am really struggling with the fact that God expressly forbids this. How can they be truly walking with the Lord as a believer if they do not see this major life choice as sinful? Help me see how best to handle this please.


Jon, I wouldn’t assume anything either way. As you get to know your people, ask them to tell you their full story. Don’t launch at anybody. If there are gaps and problems, then address it in your messages. Preach through the Sermon on the Mount. Lay out the biblical position, and the limited exceptions, and teach the people where confession of sin is needed.

The Looming Trump Vote

I appreciate how you have slowly pivoted on your views on Trump, as I have had a similar turning. However, I have gone to most likely voting for him on 11/3, to I’m going to pray that morning and ask the Spirit to guide me. While I will definitely not be pulling the lever for Sniffin Joe, I may be led to write in Rand P.

The thing that concerns me about Trump, is his savior complex. He seems to willing to let the Qanon mob anoint him as our new lord and savior, and even if he does save us from the wicked Dems and the Hollywood Blvd Pedos, I don’t want to wake up on Dec 3rd and realize I inadvertently voted for the little horn of Daniel 7.

Thanks for your wit and wisdom,


Mark, yes. Never vote for the little horn of Daniel 7. I do believe that Trump is ripe for a Nebuchadnezzar take-down moment. He gathers up glory for himself with both arms. At the same time, I think that God is being extraordinarily kind to us in this moment, and I want to see the kindness continue. So in my mind the issue is not what Trump thinks he is doing, but rather what God is doing. I want to be able to say amen to everything that God does in this. That includes the humbling of Trump, but I want God to finish humbling the Left first.

I would urge caution on predicting the demise of any party. I distinctly remember when Obama won in ’08 and the entire chattering class was gleefully writing the GOP’s eulogy. Even Republicans joined in the “we’re finished” story. Obama had permanently realigned the electorate. NYT, WaPo . . . all of them . . . were running stories about how we’d never have a Republican president again. Then Trump happened.

(Aside: I think the 2008 preening is the largest source of post-2016 hysteria.)

I see no reason to think the Democratic Party will disappear. Adjust? Yes. Disappear? I’m not betting on it.

Why not? Because a party is an electorate. And like the Democratic party constantly fantasizing about a world without “obstructionist” Republicans, we forget that the party exists because there are real flesh-and-blood voters out there who agree with the platform, or at least agree with it more than they agree with the other one. And that will not change.


Samuel, you are quite right that we cannot confident pronounce on such things. But your last point is the precise reason why I think something big is coming up. The people in control of the party now are nutters, and they have radically departed from their historic constituencies.

Thanks and Thanks Back

As the chaotic waves of our culture’s rage against God have increased, you have steadfastly stood up for the truth of God, looked out for the Church of God, and have faithfully attempted to snatch those who are perishing from the fire. While I know even you yourself would not claim to be perfect in all the efforts you make, I want to simply thank you for being faithful to the LORD. As you know, we are on the verge of a socialist revolution in the country, and it seems that shots will be fired and new lies told no matter what happens in November.

Please don’t lose heart. Continue the fight. Our culture cannot thrive unless we bow before our Lord, and we need preachers who will speak the truth regardless of the flak they receive, and you have been faithful here. I don’t sense that you are losing heart, but I just wanted to be a voice of encouragement and appreciation amid all the nonsensical criticism you receive.

My wife and I are raising our two boys here in Greenville, SC, quite a way from you in Moscow, but the content you and your team put out have been encouraging to us and have affected how we conduct ourselves in our culture. Every time you stand up and say “no” to leftist demands in the name of Christ, I feel bolder to do so myself. Thanks for leading by example.


James, thank you for the very kind words, and it will be the challenge of a lifetime, for all of us, to seek to live up to them. Thank you.

Stuff About My Novels

I recently read Flags Out Front and my husband and I are waiting for Ride, Sally, Ride to arrive in the mail. A few days ago I watched your CrossPolitic interview about Ride, Sally, Ride and I appreciated your insights into writing fiction.

Currently, I’m working toward my undergrad degree in the Humanities. I enjoy creative writing and would love to publish someday (I’m revising a manuscript now). Specifically, I want to publish in the young adult market, which sorely lacks stories from a Christian worldview. I have a handful of questions I would appreciate your insight on.

I’ve read quite a few writing craft books as well as blogs over the last few years. I liked Wordsmithy. With many others, however, I am often concerned by the way writing and storytelling is taught. For example, authorial intent often seems minimized and favor is shown toward a subjective “just let the story naturally spring forth from inside of you” type of approach. Another example is that character flaws are construed as being the result of former tragedy or trauma rather than a sin nature. Have you noticed this as well?

How would you recommend a Christian approach telling a story in light of the biblical worldview?

Do you have any recommendations for writing craft resources?

Thank you for your time,


Ashley, the only advice I would give you is to keep doing exactly what you are doing. Keep observing, keep reading, keep writing. And do not do any of it from some neutral spot. Wherever you go, you are there as a Christian. Whatever you write, you write as a Christian.

In your post on “Ride, Sally, Ride”, you telegraphed an expectation that someone would mention “El Problemo.” I love telegraphs, so here goes.

Masculine nouns in Spanish usually end with “-o” and feminine with “-a”, but “el problema” is an exception. One could make a case that “problema” is “transgendered,” an impossible state for humans because we are not parts of speech.

Those who assert that sex and gender should be non-binary have hissy fits with languages that use separate terms for masculine and feminine roles. For example, the US was able to switch from gender-specific “fireman” to gender-neutral “firefighter”, but German nouns for woman/women end in “-in”/”-innen”, so they have to take great pains to be inclusive. The Economist had a nice write-up on this, although one needs a subscription to read it. Mark Twain’s send-up of German is free, timeless, and much more comprehensive.

El problema último in English is with non-binary personal pronouns, an ever-increasing list. We ignore the fact that English has always had a personal pronoun that is neither masculine nor feminine: ‘it”. “He” is masculine, “she” is feminine, and “it” is everything else. No need for “ze” or “zim/zir/zis” — just use “it” and “its” for singular non-binary. (“Who was the androgynous person at your grandmother’s funeral?” “It was her neighbor, but I don’t know its name.”)

As usual, my suggestion has had a poor reception in polite circles.

John (he/him/his)

John, thanks for sharing. And we could also use plural pronouns, but let’s not get into that just now.

Let me start by saying that I did read the book and find it helpful at a variety of points. I understand the intent of the book and think that a significant portion of evangelicalism is currently afflicted with the sorts of problems that will inevitably lead them to respond exactly as the majority of the characters in the book did to the scenario described. In short, the real world is clearly beyond parody already and we really are in trouble. Those advocating for pronoun hospitality will clearly be the first to evangelize and baptize the robot “wives” for the sake of their Christian witness and building relational capital and all that.

That said, before reading the book, the thing which troubled me and those that I have spoken to was the, in our minds, unnecessarily provocative title. I understood that it had to be a double-entendre. I wondered in a culture that is so saturated with sexual sin, is it wise to encourage people to reflect on the most natural meaning of the title given the subject matter? Wouldn’t that be unnecessarily dragging their minds through the mud? That said, I understand that I am possibly guilty of the same thing by virtue of asking my question. Yet, it does seem that there is something different between the two things.

After reading the book and understanding now that the title is indeed a double-entendre, my question remains. Could not the same book be written and the title and the scene that it was based on been a bit more “Victorian” for the sake of preventing people from having their own Asahael moments? Again, I do understand the intent was not meant to entice people, and the whole point of the book was to teach people to resist such temptations as to not be easily manipulated by those who wish to enslave them. However, suppose someone scrolling on Twitter, minding their own business, seeking to flee from their own personal lust happens to see that you wrote a book about sex robots with the title you described, and that same person went on to go search for something on the internet to gratify that particular itch, would you take any responsibility for that at all? (Obviously not 100% but let’s just say 5%). Is that sort of danger worth considering at all?

I do also understand that there is a type of person who sees themselves as lustful to the core, whose only hope of sexual purity is to never be put in uncomfortable situations lest they fall into temptation and blame it on others. This posture is the same as what Alcoholics Anonymous cultivates in drunkards. And, my question is not an attempt to give that sort of person an out for their bad response to encountering such colorful phrases, however I still wonder if there shouldn’t be some sort of precaution taken to not be overly colorful in your descriptions in the same way that when I do premarital counseling, I try to avoid going into gory detail until the last few weeks.

Thanks for your ministry


Tim, thanks for the thoughtful questions, and here is my response, such as it is. It is true that Ride, Sally, Ride is at least a double entendre (a phrase with two meanings that can only be taken one way), but a couple of other factors need to be remembered. The primary reference is to the song Mustang Sally by Wilson Pickett. There the reference is to an unfaithful woman running all over town. It has a sexual reference, but not crass or explicit. Second, in the novel it becomes a triple entendre. Girlfriend in a Mustang > unfaithful girl running around > sex robot in a compacter.

Sweater Vest Thing?

On “authority, submission, and the limits of Civil Government”, was the Romans 13 conclusion right as you ended, supposed to be a mic drop moment for our time or did it just happen that way?

Either way, well done sir


Jordan, if you are talking about the cut-off at the end of our last Sweater Vest thing, it was a computer thing.

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The Commenter Formerly Known As fp
The Commenter Formerly Known As fp
3 years ago

Help me out here. In what specific ways is Trump gathering up glory for himself? How exactly does Trump have a “savior complex”? Remember his predecessor Obama: – “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” -Barack Obama, Feb. 5, 2008 – “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” -Barack Obama, 2008 Democrat primary – “First of all, give and honor to God and our lord and savior, Barack Obama. Barack Obama.” -Jamie Foxx, Soul Train Awards, 2012 – “I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the… Read more »

3 years ago

I’ve thought the things Trump brags about, his accomplishments, are a lot like a job interview. It’s not really bragging. I’ve also noticed he uses “we” frequently when touting those accomplishments. You are correct about Obama. When he announced the death of OBL he was extremely self congratulatory. As he spun the narrative I thought he was going to end it with “then I rappelled out of the helicopter and shot him in the head.”

3 years ago

You are correct in your analysis. However, In his most recent rally, he did utter the phrase “I am your wall” against the democrats and assorted others who are trying to destroy the country and our lives. Maybe it’s just hyperbole, but it’s a pretty infelicitous phrase even for someone who is the most effective fighter we’ve had recently against the Left. Will it keep me from voting for him? Of course not. Yet again, the other options are a complete no go, and the Left has a much better idea of how much they will need to cheat in… Read more »

3 years ago

On The RBG RPG in a Time of RTG, thank you for the post and the answer. Let me put the question the other way around: Would a woman positioned and willing to be selected for the SCOTUS be a socially conservative woman? No, she would not be that. She would be a product of social progressivism. Had conservatism rather then progressivism prevailed over the last fifty years she would not be where she is. That she is positioned as a plausible – and preferred – candidate for the Supreme Court is a contradiction of social conservatism. Let’s stop kidding… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  JohnM

And yet sometimes women in these situations end up having more courage and commitment to the constitution than all the men. Kristi Noem is a recent example. Deborah is the obvious example from scripture. These situations are not ideal. Your point about the republican party’s commitment to conservatism is granted. Too many so called conservatives are socially liberal when it comes to roles for women in society. I would rather have a woman that leads like Deborah than a man that leads like Ahab.

Jill Smith
Jill Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  JohnM

John, that’s an interesting point. I predict that the angle of attack on ACB will be that she has said she believes in traditional marriage where the wife is submissive to her husband, and that she said she sees the purpose of her legal work as promoting God’s kingdom on earth. In other words they will go after her traditional brand of Catholicism and they will say that–even apart from the abortion issue–she may not support equal rights for women as regards matrimonial and employment law. I have no idea how she might rule on anything other than abortion. But… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Jill Smith

And does a woman with a strong belief in traditional marriage have two last names?

If she is if fact nominated and confirmed and IF she then does not support the kind of law that paved her own non-traditional path, the hypocrisy will not be lost on progressives; it should not be lost on conservatives either. We should be concerned that such a contradiction would not be lost on her.

Clay Crouch
Clay Crouch
3 years ago
Reply to  Jill Smith

Jill, from what I’ve read, her particular stream of Catholicism it has, at the very least, the whiff of an authoritarian cult.

The Commenter Formerly Known As fp
The Commenter Formerly Known As fp
3 years ago
Reply to  Clay Crouch

Well, well, well. If it isn’t Clay Pigeon, master of the self-own. Time to get shot down again there, sport. And how did you own yourself this time? You, along with the AP, swallowed hook, line, and sinker a false story Newsweek — a rag so worthless it sold for a dollar — vomited forth. The story’s (for that’s all it is, a work of fiction) headline: “How Charismatic Catholic Groups Like Amy Coney Barrett’s People of Praise Inspired ‘The Handmaid’s Tale.'” What you didn’t include, whether due to incompetence or malice, is the correction: Correction: This article’s headline originally… Read more »

Jill Smith
Jill Smith
3 years ago

It’s odd that the Newsweek reporter didn’t ponder the incongruity of an alleged Atwood-type cult victim being allowed by her cruel, domineering overseers to go to college for seven years, both teach and practice law, and ascend to the federal bench. Weren’t they afraid she would run away? (On the other hand, I now have a lively mental image of a SCOTUS judge wearing the long red dress and the big white bonnet, and it would make a colorful contrast to all that black.)

C Herrera
C Herrera
3 years ago
Reply to  Clay Crouch

Nah, you’re confusing ACB with the Stalinists the Dems would like to nominate.

Jill Smith
Jill Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Clay Crouch

Clay, I have done some reading and I think this group is perhaps being maligned. Most people have no idea that it isn’t just Catholics–it also includes people from 14 other denominations including the Lutheran, Methodist, and Episcopal churches. From the press accounts I had thought they were rad trad Catholics–but, sadly, rad trads want nothing to do with non-Catholics, believing them (and mainstream Catholics) to be on a fast track to hell. They grew out of the Charismatic Renewal movement of the 1970s. I have always found Catholic Pentecostals a little puzzling but far from scary. The “Handmaid” stuff… Read more »

3 years ago

“For example, the US was able to switch from gender-specific “fireman” to gender-neutral “firefighter”

Yes, indeed they did, but they were unable to surmount the difficulty of having a “firefighter” consistently and successfully “throw” the 24 foot extension ladder, a task that was previously and historically accomplished by one fireman.

C Herrera
C Herrera
3 years ago

A little comic relief on living in California right now.

3 years ago

I would just like to say thank you for this week’s much less stressful gif. ;-)

3 years ago
Reply to  kyriosity

While I appreciate the fact that it does not have portray human carnage, this one is even more stressful to me in a way.

Anybody Remember That One Guy Who Said "Don't Freak Out"? - jason (r) anderson

[…] I mean, I used the contact form on his website to send him one email, and he actually read it and posted it on his site. Here it is, in […]