Book I/Chapter 5 The point (section 10) 8. What does knowledge of God lead us to? The limits (section 11) 9. In what way is evidence of God in creation worthless? 10. In what way are unbelieving men alike and in what way are they different? 11. What is the problem with the whole tribe …
Clemency and Severity
Book 1/Chapter 5 Grave sin (section 6) 1. What is the grave sin that can accompany an enjoyment of the Creator’s gifts? The kindness of God (section 7) 2. Does God show kindness to all men? 3. In the natural world, are His clemency and severity both seen? 4. What should the punishment of one …
The Creator and Creature
Book I/Chapter 5 The revolt (section 4) 9. What is the nature of the “detestable madness” Calvin refers to? 10. How do men acknowledge they are fearfully and wonderfully made and still deny God? 11. How far does God’s workmanship extend? 12. How does Calvin deal with Epicurus? Confusion of Creator and creature (section 5) …
From the Mouths of Infants
Book I/Chapter 5 God manifested (section 1) 1. How clear is God’s self-disclosure? 2. Does Calvin make a distinction between a seed of religion sowed in men’s minds and a revelation of Himself in creation? 3. Can men look where God is not plainly visible? Divine wisdom (section 2) 4. Can anyone see God in …
Getting a One Day Jump On It
Book I/Chapter 4 Superstition (section 1) 1. If men fall into superstition through ignorance, does this excuse them? 2. What is their blindness combined with? 3. How do ignorant and superstitious men measure God? 4. What is the object of such men’s worship? 5. What is the danger of wanting to know more than is …
Sardonic Laughter
Book I/Chapter 3 Natural Knowledge (section 1) 1. Does the human mind have a natural and innate knowledge of God? 2. In Calvin’s mind, is this up for dispute? 3. What effect does this knowledge have upon sinful men? 4. How is idolatry a testimony to this knowledge of God? Religious Invention (section 2) 1. …
No Drop of Wisdom or Light
Book I/Chapter 2 Piety (section 1) 1. What is a necessary prerequisite to knowledge of God? 2. Would natural revelation be possible in an unfallen world? 3. Is it possible in our fallen condition? 4. What is the distinction Calvin makes between having right notions about God and “embracing the grace of reconciliation?” 5. How …
Dual Knowledge
Knowledge of Self (section 1) 1. In what sense can we say that Calvin’s epistemology has dual starting points? 2. Does Calvin argue for God’s existence, or does he assume it? 3. Would Calvin agree that in order to know God a man must know himself as knowing? 4. Would Calvin agree that this means …
Prayer for the King
Prefatory Address to King Francis 1 of France Tumults Alleged to Result from Reformation Preaching (7) 1. When the Word of God is active, what is the response of Satan? 2. What did Satan try first to oppose the Reformation? What was his second move? 3. What examples from Scripture does Calvin produce with regard …
Walking Like a Two-Year-Old With His Chin Up and His Chest Out
Lane does a good job summarizing my views on law/gospel applications, and my rejection of a law/gospel hermeneutic. Now I have no problem in accepting that the historic Reformed, particularly in early years, accepted the law/gospel distinction. As do I. But where is the distinction? In my view, it is not to be found in …