Already Enthroned

“Another way of thinking about this is that we are not conducting a presidential campaign, trying to get as many people as possible to vote for Jesus, so that if we are successful, then He can assume a position of authority. No, His position is already one of conquering monarch, and He is already on the throne . . . The Kingdom of God is not a democracy.”

Ploductivity, p. 107

Lord of the Tools

“Jesus is the Lord of history, which means His authority extends from Adam’s first honeycomb stick, at the beginning, down to the last tool invented, which will probably be something like a transport barge for hauling radioactive waste to be dumped into the sun. It’ll be totally safe. We did tests and everything.”

Ploductivity, p. 104

Just One Future

“So we need to remember that the eschatological future promised by the prophet Isaiah, and the future that was shaped by the industrial revolution and will continue to be shaped by the digital revolution, are the same future. I don’t believe in an invisible spiritual future, shaped by the Holy Spirit, full of sweetness and light, and an actual historical future shaped by the Devil, Halliburton, the Illuminati, and Murphy’s law. The world, this world, is presently going where Jesus is taking it. So we should be wise, and stop worrying.”

Ploductivity, pp. 98-99

Testimony or Nothing

“The philosophers Hume and Kant, in a frenzy of high conceit, helped to banish ‘testimony’ from the modern world as a reliable source of knowledge. We want an idolatrous way of knowing that what we think is indubitable. But we are finite, and so it has to be testimony or nothing. Jesus is Lord, so it is testify and live or languish and die . . . Jesus is under your breastbone and throughout the congregation. That is what we are talking about . . . If He has no testimony concerning us, then we can have no testimony concerning Him.”

Let the Stones Cry Out, p. 124

Should Have Said “When”

“This is the sinful pattern. God gives wealth, and man takes credit for it himself. If someone else comes along later and blames man for creating all this wealth, and demands that we have ourselves a little ‘social justice’ around here, he is just creating an extra layer of sedimentary silliness. And by this point, we don’t need any extra layers of silliness.”

Ploductivity, p. 96