Pick Two

“For any new construction, there are three basic elements to the project. Take the square footage, take the quality of design and materials, and take the dollar amount to be spent. Those are the three corners of your triangle. As you look at those three elements, you may pick any two, and the two you pick will determine the third for you.”

Let the Stones Cry Out, p.133

Four Options Remember

“We are told that it is better to have a little money and fear of the Lord than to have lots of wealth and big trouble with it (Prov. 15:16). We are also told that thin soup and thick love is better than a sumptuous meal and hatred around the table (Prov. 15:17). It is better to be humble and with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud (Prov. 16:19).”

Let the Stones Cry Out, p. 131

Already Enthroned

“Another way of thinking about this is that we are not conducting a presidential campaign, trying to get as many people as possible to vote for Jesus, so that if we are successful, then He can assume a position of authority. No, His position is already one of conquering monarch, and He is already on the throne . . . The Kingdom of God is not a democracy.”

Ploductivity, p. 107

Lord of the Tools

“Jesus is the Lord of history, which means His authority extends from Adam’s first honeycomb stick, at the beginning, down to the last tool invented, which will probably be something like a transport barge for hauling radioactive waste to be dumped into the sun. It’ll be totally safe. We did tests and everything.”

Ploductivity, p. 104