The Content Cluster Muster (08.26.21)

New to the Mablog Store: Fire on the Mountain:This small book is an introduction to the Ten Commandments. Often cited, and even more frequently broken, a review of what these words spoken on Sinai mean for us in these relativistic times is most necessary. $1.00 Shop now Jokes I Like to Tell: One fine Saturday, …

The Content Cluster Muster (08.12.21)

Words to Live By: Jokes I Like to Tell: Once there were two cousins who were both farmers and ranchers, but one of them lived in Vermont, and the other one was a native born Texan. They knew each other fairly well because they had always gotten along fairly well at family reunions, and they …

Fight Next Month, Laugh Next Month, Feast Next Month, All at One Time

So next month, on September 9th-11th, I’ll be in Lebanon, Tennessee at the Fight Laugh Feast Network’s second annual conference. The topic will be The Politics of Sex. I’ll be speaking Friday evening, September 10th. My topic will be Gay Pulpits: The Politics of Feminism, Homosexuality, and Unfaithful Children. Other speakers include Voddie Baucham on …

The Content Cluster Muster (

A New Website to Connect Pastors with CREC Churches : We All Make Mistakes: Jokes I Like to Tell: A few years ago, in northern Spain, in the Basque region, a decision was made to build a huge, sleek, and very modern soccer stadium. No expense was spared, and they hired an architect who liked …

The Content Cluster Muster (07.29.21)

Jokes I Like to Tell: One time a Massachusetts Yankee, a gifted musician, decided to move to southern Alabama for a teaching position. He decided that he wanted to live a ways outside the big city where his university was, and because he was a faithful Christian, he soon found himself attending a small country …

The Content Cluster Muster (07.15.21)

Burning Little Coals: Jokes I Like to Tell: Believe it or not, but there was a time when medical science was far more willing to do brain surgery in order to “fix” certain problems. There is a place for that kind of thing, certainly, but there was a time when there was too much eagerness …

The Content Cluster Muster (07.08.21)

Reformed Basics #11: The New Birth: Just When You Think It Can’t Get Any Lamer . . .: Your Kids Are Welcome Here: Still, Can’t Be Too Careful: HT: Mike Bull Nothing Like an Open Road: And, as always, more here. Jokes I Like to Tell: Back in the days when Chicago was still “out …