Dear visionaries, In making the Nazi connection, Anne failed to mention that when I was in the Navy (and Germany also had a Navy, did it not?) I owned a Volkswagen. I think that Will missed one of my key points. I said that I actually think this is appropriate. I believe that some of …
The National Guard Option
In the grimy world of politics a million consciences have been bought and sold without anyone noticing. But in the providence of God, there are occasional moments when a crisis of conscience comes for someone, and it all happens under the spotlight. At that moment the entire nation goes silent to watch what the decision …
Help From the Outside
Visionaries, Ralph raised a couple questions based on the reports in the newspaper that our private Christian school was limiting board membership to men only. First, the board has not voted on that proposition. The board approved presenting the proposed change to the school’s constituency, and then collecting feedback. According to our by-laws, the board …
Five Reasons to Oppose the Levy
On the 26th of April, 2005, the Moscow School District will present a levy to the local taxpayers here in Moscow. The levy is for six bazillions of dollars, or might as well be. And there are as many reasons for opposing the levy as there are dollars involved, but the fundamental issues are not …
Liturgy and Postmodernism
Andrew Sandlin has recently written about the liturgical resurgence in Reformed circles, and you can read his take here. I think he makes several solid points, and of course as a high church Puritan, I think he misses much of what is going on. But my point is not so much the liturgical debate, but …
Shroud Issues
Since the Shadow Shroud story broke, the responses in the blogosphere and elsewhere have fallen into four basic categories 1. Uninformed dismissal: this would be the “they didn’t have plate glass in the Middle Ages, you retard” approach. And as every third grader knows, a nuh uh argument is always answered with an uh huh …
Grenade Attack
Visionaries, The grenade attack over the weekend in Kuwait has led to the detainment of a suspect, an American Muslim soldier. The news media reports that authorities are still baffled over the apparent lack of a motive. But in the meantime, because we cannot afford any more attacks like this, we need to call upon …
Gambling and Faith
“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 38 In the last installment, we addressed the fact that luck governs nothing. Our triune God oversees all things that happen, and He does so in a particular and personal way. Not a sparrow falls to the ground apart from …
Style Over Substance
The story is told of the preacher who had prepared a manuscript of his sermon, and in the margin of one section he had scribbled a note to himself. “Argument weak. Shout here.” The phenomenon can be seen in many settings. Lousy rock bands often invest significantly in dry ice and laser light shows. All …
Murder and Folly in Atlanta
The courtroom shooting in Atlanta has served to illustrate, as though we needed another illustration of it, the mind-numbing stubbornness of the current PC codes. The murders of the judge and two others occurred, along with an apparent fourth victim later, because a large, muscular defendant was escorted to court, guarded by a female sherriff’s …