So poetry is broken speech, Metaphor shattered. Not broken prose But prose broken- That resurrection power Might be displayed, And like the Word These tiny words Can also then be called and named sons of God. Yet how many men Have been crucified? With broken legs, They suffocate. A pole upright, Half-pound nails And murderous …
Goose Stepping Diversity
One of our Intoleristas here in Moscow has been Prof. William Ramsey, and he recently posted an article entitled “The Late Unpleasantness in Idaho: Southern Slavery and the Culture Wars.” In said article he attempts an overview of the Fracas here in Moscow, and he gets enough details wrong that I take back anything I …
Quite Festive
Yesterday was something of a circus maximus. For those of you following all this (and there are quite a few), I have been trying to arrange a meeting with Terry Morin for over two years now. When he recently decided to post his affidavits on his web site, I decided that it was finally time …
At Least I Now Know How to Spell “Affidavit”
One of the common assumptions made by some of my adversaries is that I have been very reluctant to talk about certain incidents/controversies in the past (as I certainly have been). But they then go on to assume that the reason for this reluctance is that I am interested in covering stuff up, for I …
A Quick Follow Up
This last weekend I wrote a detailed account of the disruption in our church that happened after I came to paedobaptist convictions. When I wrote this, I did not have certain documents with me, thus preventing me from quoting from those documents verbatim. That deficiency has been remedied, and so I would like to follow …
Airy Fairy Stuff
“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 45 The most persistent heresy that the Church has had to deal with, over the course of our centuries, is the heresy of Gnosticism. In countless ways, Christians drift into the dangerous assumption that spiritual means immaterial and that unspiritual …
The Coming Glory
With regard to the slavery fracas, I have said that the only issue is that of biblical absolutism. We must be resolved, as Christians, to have absolutely no problem passages. What this means is that, once the exegesis is done, and we know what the passage actually teaches, we will have no problem with it. …
A Proposal Only
A few weeks ago, I told the story of how I became a paedobaptist. I need to develop one portion of that story just a little further for several reasons. The first reason is that it is just plain interesting. The second reason is that certain details from that story have gotten swept up into …
Kick It Up A Notch
The psalmist prayed to be delivered from the strife of tongues. Jesus said to leap for joy when we are reviled for His sake. The apostle Paul vigorously defended himself, but only when necessary. That necessity was when he was convinced that the attack on him was in fact a disguised attack on the purity …
Biblical Absolutism
Cal Beisner makes a sharp distinction between biblical slavery as found in the Old Testament and ungodly chattel slavery. In this he is quite right, and this distinction is one that I have made myself a number of times. But he then leaves out another category, which is in fact the only category that is …