Introduction: Some of the recent online polemical disputes and such have raised the question of anonymous battle-bot accounts (or anons, for short). Let's think about it for a moment, shall we? What ...
The Fingerbone of St. Johnny of Cash
Introduction: So last week a marketing video for New St. Andrews set off a firestorm and, true to form, I have a few words of response, contextualization, and explanation. Whenever I am tired of looking ...
Envy, Malice, Bitterness, & the Moscow Mood. And the Jews
Introduction: I believe that a number of people, if asked about the Moscow Mood, would describe it as a devil-may-care attitude, coupled with a satiric bite. I think this is accurate, so far ...
Lig Duncan and that Infamous Clip Making the Rounds Introduction: I was going to be doing a bit of traveling, and so last week I wrote and recorded a few of my blog posts prior to departure. That was ...
My Rejoinder to Kevin DeYoung
Introduction: So Kevin DeYoung set off a national conversation with this article. When his article dropped, I was in the middle of wrapping up my November posts, and so a response had to wait ...
The Little Drummer Boy Responds to Denny Burk
Introduction: The elders of Kenwood Baptist in Louisville recently publicized three classes taught at their church by Jim Hamilton and Denny Burk, the point of which was to warn their members ...
Introduction: These things come in waves, of course. Every so often, when my adversaries think that what I am teaching is getting a little too much traction, they make yet another attempt at convincing ...
Theological Deplorables
Introduction: Let me begin this thing with a little story that is somewhat off topic, but it does illustrate the point that I will be making more broadly. One time I had occasion to debate the head ...
Worser and Worser
Introduction: @BonifaceOption recently said something that really needs to be carved into marble, and then memorized by your children, and then embroidered on all your cushions, and then tattooed on the insides of your eyelids. This is what he said: “This is the thing: they cannot stop people who are truly having fun.”@BonifaceOption The picture …
Escaping the Cult of Nice
Introduction: I want to begin by saying that evangelicals really are nice, and that this is their problem. The second thing to say is that the top strata of the evangelical leadership elite ...