Worser and Worser

Introduction: @BonifaceOption recently said something that really needs to be carved into marble, and then memorized by your children, and then embroidered on all your cushions, and then tattooed on the insides of your eyelids. This is what he said: “This is the thing: they cannot stop people who are truly having fun.”@BonifaceOption The picture …

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Our Scheduling Secretary Regrets the Error

A select committee in the House of Representatives yesterday took about fifteen minutes to devolve into chaos. Chairman Trevor McGuire (D.—NE) was preparing his committee on the pressing topic of range management, as they thought they were going to hear testimony from Lloyd Johnson from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). What they actually heard …

Film Experts: Why Christian Movies Are a Joke

A symposium in Hollywood took a surprising turn yesterday, when a panel of experts spent about ten minutes bashing the evangelical film “industry.” Since the normal pattern for Hollywood insiders is to refuse even to acknowledge the existence of any such industry, observers took careful note of what was said. The discussion began with a …