Response to Tumult

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When God moves in reformation, it always causes a stir, and it always causes controversy.

Take care that you do not give way to the flesh in either circumstance. Receive what God is doing in our midst with gladness and simplicity. But know that Americans have a two-hundred year history of mangling a right understanding of revival and reformation. We have made our misunderstanding central to our doctrinal thinking, and when we pray for God to move in a wonderful way, we do not know what we request.

Banish all pride, all confidence in man-made methods, all presumption that man can see the heart, all hero-worship. Invoke the kindness of God, and give your attention to the Word and sacraments.

And when the work of God is attacked and slandered, the temptation is great to enter into the transaction, and give back change in the same kind of coin. But, to change the picture, this is to open the gates of the fortress to the adversary and welcome him in.

When cursed, bless. When slandered, thank God. It is an honor to be dishonored, a grace to be disgraced. Embrace it. Such injunctions are in the Scriptures so that we might hear and heed, and this is what we must do.

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