Visionaries, I am afraid that Jon was distressed at my humorous response and thought it showed a lack of propriety on my part. A humorous response to grotesque slander is indicative of a lack of decency on the part of the recipient of the slander? But I am afraid I will not play that game. …
Look Who’s Fencing the Table Now
I still can’t get over the fact that our Intolerista friends are seriously trying to ban hundreds of our young people from taking communion during one of our worship services. The best thing I can figure out is that they have hired Howard Dean as a PR consultant. In our worship services we practice weekly …
Thinly Disguised Wowserism
The other day I noted that there have been a total of nine attempts to manipulate various tax-supported entities in order to harass us and our ministries. Now make that ten. Rose Huskey and Saundra have recently (June 10) sent a letter to folks at the UI trying to cause problems for our upcoming Trinity …
One More Round
This morning in the Daily News, Rose Huskey and Saundra Lund offered an op-ed piece on Moscow’s culture wars to the public. I assume that I will have an opportunity to respond in the paper, but since this is a good example of what we are dealing with, I thought a quick response here would …
Imagine There’s No Heaven
Visionaries, John says that when I go “nuclear” and unleash a WMD like ‘Says who?’ the only thing one can do is “slowly back away and be grateful that you weren’t completely destroyed by the strength of the opposing argument.” This can only be understood as a facile playground response, and not an argument, if …
Elijah One Tooth
Visionaries, I actually think this discussion is getting somewhere. But I still have questions, and I hope will get this us even further. Susanna says that the difference between us is that she thinks it is a matter of law, not morality. And goes on to say that polygamy would be fine with her if …
Unwanted Attentions
Visionaries, Susanna wonders why we cannot just continue to recognize marriage as contractual monogamy, expanding it only with regard to the sex of the spouses? She says she can light a cigarette without starting a forest fire, and should also be able to marry her same-sex partner without exposing herself to the unwanted attentions of …
Standby For Polygamy
Visionaries, My question and concern is this. If we stop imposing a particular religious view through the mechanism of civil law (which is, we agree, what our current laws amount to), and if we do this for the sake of allowing homosexual marriage, what logical reason do we have for stopping there? We suddenly cannot …
The Ultimate High Ground
This morning I received a copy of a six-page open letter to me, as well as to the members of Christ Church. It was entitled “A Labor of Love for Pastor Douglas Wilson and Church Church.” The letter was, of course, anonymous. The central point of the letter was that the Word of God demands …
Things We Used to Think
Visionaries, Jan asks, “how can one person swear to be monogamist to more than one person? Is this not an important part of marriage?” This is the point. We used to think so. But then, we used to think that marriage involved a man and a woman. Why do we retain what we retain and …